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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should gamers be able to get a refund if a game is broken at launch such as Unity and Halo: MCC?


Should you be able to get a refund for a broken game?

Yeah, gimme back my cash. 134 82.21%
No, I like to support bro... 10 6.13%
Yo Mama 19 11.66%

I'm gonna be the devil's advocate and say no. Who would determine what is truly broken and what isn't? Almost every game now comes out with at least some bugs. Also, as a consumer it is your responsibility to research the product you want to buy. If you are afraid that you will get a broken game, don't pre-order and just wait for reviews and feedback.

Now, I think that the publisher/developer should own up to broken games and give existing users incentives (kinda like what Ubisoft did with Unity by giving everyone free DLC and those who purchased the season pass a full free game), but that's on them and not some government agency.

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Only if you did not preorder.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

ohmylanta1003 said:
Hell no. It's your own damn fault for buying a broken ass game day 1. This is what reviews are for.

Do you remember Battlefield 4? All the reviewers were saying how great the game was only for it to go down as one of the most broken games in recent times. Heck I think it still has issues to this day.

There are a lot of shady stuff that goes on with mainstream reviewers.


CladInShadows said:
No. Practice some restraint. Don't buy an offline game until you read the review. Don't buy an online game until you get a good measure of its infrastructure.

You realise that if everyone did this there would be no online game to play at launch. A MP game is entirely dependent on a community and their trust.

As a consumer you should feel safe in buying the game based on the concepts that you've been shown through trailers and other promotional material. You shouldn't have to watch entire playthroughs just because you're paranoid that the game may not work as advertised. That is false advertisement. Again, reviews are great, but they can be very misleading as I mentioned in the case of BF4, which is one of the biggest multiplayer franchises. Reviewers often play these games in their own special servers and conditions which are completely different than the ones that the general public have to play under.


Well here in Australia EB give you 7 days on a new purchase to return it for a full refund, dont even need a valid reason why (but the game cant be damaged, scratched etc. of course).
I think they even give you longer on pre-owned products.

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Every customer who buys a product that doesn't provide all of the advertised features is entitled to a full refund.

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UltimateUnknown said:
ohmylanta1003 said:
Hell no. It's your own damn fault for buying a broken ass game day 1. This is what reviews are for.

Do you remember Battlefield 4? All the reviewers were saying how great the game was only for it to go down as one of the most broken games in recent times. Heck I think it still has issues to this day.

There are a lot of shady stuff that goes on with mainstream reviewers.

That's why you NEVER trust reviews for the first week. Most reviewers get their copy before the game even launches, and play on emptyish servers, or in private lobbies. Some issues may not even show up until a day or two in.

It's your responsibility to wait and see user opinions. Plenty of people were complaining about the game soon after it launched, if someone did even a speck of research they would know this. Consumers can't just lay on the ground and hope that companies will quality test everything, cause they won't. We have to watch out for ourselves. Literally 5 minutes of internet searching could save you $60 from buying a broken game.

As long as you never pre-order and read user reviews, you will be fine. It takes maybe five minutes to do a quick Google search to find out if a game is broken. That's how it has been since video games were invented.

If you really are confident in a company/game, then pre-order. If not, you have no one to blame but yourself if you pre-order and the game turns out broken.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

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No, they should have more than learned the lesson by now and stopped buying day one.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

VanceIX said:

That's why you NEVER trust reviews for the first week. Most reviewers get their copy before the game even launches, and play on emptyish servers, or in private lobbies. Some issues may not even show up until a day or two in.


Now we're moving goal posts.  The people saying we should focus on restraint say something along the lines of 'well you should check out reviews before buying and do your research' to which people on the other side of the fence say 'yeah but reviewers are biased and dont always reflect the true nature of a game'.


So now, we should disregard the reviews but only for the first week and THEN proceed from there?  This is ridiculous.  It's entirely ridiculous that some of you actually defend the devs putting out incomplete games because of our increasing reliance of online patches.  Its misleading, its false advertising, its mismanagement and at the end of the day it achieves nothing positive for the gamer.  WHY IN THE HELL should I be punished for not watching an entire playthrough of every game I want to purchase online? Who has that kind of time?!?The fault, the blame and the punishment are not yours to bear for being given false information.  That blame lies elsewhere and I'm rather surprised this many users see otherwise.

EDIT  - Oh and btw, Devs are more now than ever before offering incentive to preorder which is basically you the consumer commiting to a day 1 buy.  We're being bribed to purchase games on or even before launch.  'Well dont buy day 1'. Well don't offer me some free DLC. Well dont lie in your reviews.  Well DEVELOP your f***ing game!

alternine said:
I played Unity on day one and I only experienced 1 glitch during the entire playthrough. Dont really get the hate.

Yup, there were some bugs that people showed and everyone jumped on the bandwagon

The performance isn't great and you do get the ocassional oddly behaving pedestrian


Lack of online for the first few days is unfortunately a given these days, month on the other hand... Completely unnaceptable. It wouldn't bother me hugely since I avoid playing online if I don't have to, but that's just not acceptable especially with PS+ and Gold


* I have been told the PC version is worse. But personally I assume PC ports are broken and don't buy unless I read several sources telling me it's good. That shouldn't be necessary, but it seems to be