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VanceIX said:

That's why you NEVER trust reviews for the first week. Most reviewers get their copy before the game even launches, and play on emptyish servers, or in private lobbies. Some issues may not even show up until a day or two in.


Now we're moving goal posts.  The people saying we should focus on restraint say something along the lines of 'well you should check out reviews before buying and do your research' to which people on the other side of the fence say 'yeah but reviewers are biased and dont always reflect the true nature of a game'.


So now, we should disregard the reviews but only for the first week and THEN proceed from there?  This is ridiculous.  It's entirely ridiculous that some of you actually defend the devs putting out incomplete games because of our increasing reliance of online patches.  Its misleading, its false advertising, its mismanagement and at the end of the day it achieves nothing positive for the gamer.  WHY IN THE HELL should I be punished for not watching an entire playthrough of every game I want to purchase online? Who has that kind of time?!?The fault, the blame and the punishment are not yours to bear for being given false information.  That blame lies elsewhere and I'm rather surprised this many users see otherwise.

EDIT  - Oh and btw, Devs are more now than ever before offering incentive to preorder which is basically you the consumer commiting to a day 1 buy.  We're being bribed to purchase games on or even before launch.  'Well dont buy day 1'. Well don't offer me some free DLC. Well dont lie in your reviews.  Well DEVELOP your f***ing game!