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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Watch Dogs shifts almost no copies on its Wii U launch in UK

padib said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
KLXVER said:
I wish Nintendo was more strict at this point. Lets see how Ubisoft reacts if Nintendo denied them releasing the next Just Dance on the Wii...

Ubisoft wont deny Nintendo what sells on their platform. Its bad for business. Nintendo's installed base has been trained for twenty years to look outside of Nintendo for bad third party games. Its just how it is. Unless Nintendo plans for a healthy third party relationship before they build their consoles they will never have it.

Nintendo fans would buy good third party games if they were released on their system. But that never happens. Nintendo gamers don't buy bad games so that's why bad 3rd party games sell best on PS and XB.



Case in point on Wii alone:

Okami port

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

Monster Hunter Tri

Red Steel 2 (did pretty well ultimately)

de Blob (second really should have stayed exclusive)

No More Heroes


Sonic Colors

The Last Story

hell, even the halfway decent CoD ports.


It's not always the case, but it is often the case, that the third parties themselves are to blame for putting gimped/lackluster ports/games onto Nintendo home consosles these days, and then crying because few people bought them.

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curl-6 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
So are there any major 3rd parties supporting the Wii U anymore? I know Ubisoft will probably still release the annual Just Dance and the like for it but anything else?

Project Cars from Slightly Mad Studios, and a few partnerships like Devil's Third from Valhalla.

Wait a minute, those are major 3rd parties ? 0_0

"Ugh... why do people buy shitty games like COD and Assassins Creed?"

*Both sell bad on the WiiU*

"Why doesn't Nintendo fans buy third party games like COD and Assassins Creed?"

You have your answer!

Ubisoft had to know they were burying this thing. Seems like overkill, if it's only to justify leaving the platform. If they honestly thought it would sell well, people should lose their jobs...

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daredevil.shark said:

For comparisons sake.

Mass Effect 2 was released in PS3 one year later of Xbox 360 and PC.

Xbox 360 sales: 3.06 million.

PS3 sales: 1.39 million.

Its true third party games tend to sell less in Nintendo platform.

That's not a valid comparison.  There weren't next-gen re-releases of Mass Effect 2, 6 months before the PS3 version came out.  The difference here is that there's 360 and PS4 versions of Watch Dogs.  Anyone interested in the game isn't going to meet the Wii U version right in the middle.  Well, some people will, but generally speaking.  If someone wants watch dogs, and gets it for Wii U, they probably had no intention of ever getting a PS4 or Xbox One.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Ubisoft wont deny Nintendo what sells on their platform. Its bad for business. Nintendo's installed base has been trained for twenty years to look outside of Nintendo for third party. Its just how it is. Unless Nintendo plans for a healthy third party relationship before they build their consoles they will never have it.

Oh, you mean like the "Nightmare to develop for" PS3?

Better a Nightmare to develop for console, than an underpowered joke that inspired cheap cash grabs from third party because it couldn't handle the current gens hottest AAA titles and had a dispoable audience who has no loyalty to gaming nor Nintendo. Unlike your comment, Nintendo was more mature about it and decided to court third parties. Here is the problem....they did it well after their console was developed and did not consult developers about next gen expectations for their games, which they stated since 2011 they had standards for. Nintendo expressed regret not having the hottest AAA titles on their console.

didnt even need to say all that. all you had to say was that nightmare to develope was worth it because games actually SOLD on PS3 which made it worth it. something you cant say for Wiiu or eve Wii to a certain point

Burning Typhoon said:
daredevil.shark said:

For comparisons sake.

Mass Effect 2 was released in PS3 one year later of Xbox 360 and PC.

Xbox 360 sales: 3.06 million.

PS3 sales: 1.39 million.

Its true third party games tend to sell less in Nintendo platform.

That's not a valid comparison.  There weren't next-gen re-releases of Mass Effect 2, 6 months before the PS3 version came out.  The difference here is that there's 360 and PS4 versions of Watch Dogs.  Anyone interested in the game isn't going to meet the Wii U version right in the middle.  Well, some people will, but generally speaking.  If someone wants watch dogs, and gets it for Wii U, they probably had no intention of ever getting a PS4 or Xbox One.

No matter how you say third party games don't sell in Nintendo platform. Look at AC IV PS4 and Wii U sales. Even worse PS Vita AC Liberation sold 1 million copies where Nintendo platform failed to achieve it.

Interest in the game is just like the reviews done, none.

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its as much the fact that nintendo fans rarely buy third party games as it is the delay / price.

If it launched alongside the ps4/xbo version it would have still bombed.

padib said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Ubisoft wont deny Nintendo what sells on their platform. Its bad for business. Nintendo's installed base has been trained for twenty years to look outside of Nintendo for bad third party games. Its just how it is. Unless Nintendo plans for a healthy third party relationship before they build their consoles they will never have it.

Nintendo fans would buy good third party games if they were released on their system. But that never happens. Nintendo gamers don't buy bad games so that's why bad 3rd party games sell best on PS and XB.

Nintendo fans don't need to do anything. THe third party gamers need to be divided amongst the three for healthier competitor. Problem is Nintendo has never played ball to catch their attention. They've been passive since Sony got into the industry.