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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FINAL FANTASY XV World Map!!!

LubeMeUpUncleAlfred said:


Not needed necessarily. The problem being that it hasn't been confirmed or stated in any kind of way that there are any controllable airships we can use in this game. It's always been a pivotal moment in FF games when you got control of an airship , and after you've been through so much in the story.   It would be extremely disappointing if airships can't be controlled in FFXV because SE has more than enough power and resources to make this possible.  They would be consciously denying us this, almost out of spite if use of airships weren't in it.  Given the director as well who allowed airship use in Type 0, and whom is putting the demo of FFXV with Type 0, there's no reason based on artistic vision, budget or logistics why this can't be done.

I know I'm making a big deal of this, but that's because it is.  This isn't just some vehicle that you can so easily get inside a GTA game whether it be a plane, awesome fast car or fighter jet.  Flying an airship in a FF game invokes such an incredible sense of uplifting freedom and power through the soundtrack and just seeing yourself travel the world to any destination quickly .  There's nothing like it.

Well we have seen airships exist in the game but again why do we need multiple land masses to fly to. If the 1 is big enough they it takes to long by car an airship could easily be a way to quick travel like in say FFXII for example.

Around the Network

This is so hyping

Ljink96 said:
FF huh? Looks good, still not buyin.

My feelings as well. FF has become Sonic to me. If it goes back to pre FF12 days? I'm on bored. Otherwise...nope.

prayformojo said:
Ljink96 said:
FF huh? Looks good, still not buyin.

My feelings as well. FF has become Sonic to me. If it goes back to pre FF12 days? I'm on bored. Otherwise...nope.

I know SQEX arent great with their budgets and all but not even they are going to waste money on time machine development

prayformojo said:
Ljink96 said:
FF huh? Looks good, still not buyin.

My feelings as well. FF has become Sonic to me. If it goes back to pre FF12 days? I'm on bored. Otherwise...nope.

FFXII is great though

Around the Network

Looks great. Still my most hyped game yet, apart from Kingdom Hearts 3.

I'm now filled with determination.

daredevil.shark said:
Will it be open world like skyrim / gta? Or fake open world like Assassins creed? I am just curious.

How is Assassins creed fake open world? Unity is one giant ass Paris. it doesnt get any more open world than that.

The map seems to equal 35 kilometers Squared using 6x5 halves or 21 miles squared. That's about the same size as Xenoblade on Wii. So this game is MUCH smaller than Xenoblade Chronicles X

tbone51 said:





look at that, for reference look to see where the below pic is on the world map!!!


It's not FF XV map,  it's FFXV episode Duscae demo which is 10 % of actual real game maps, just look how the map arranged. They still have other map to connect on bigger model, the map from east to west does not matched and connected, and the end of the map model is cut half Lol  .  

If this the full map, where are the big city and other city beside the one with lake and waterfall ? 

Yes. Just yes.