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Forums - Sales Discussion - October 2014 NPD Thread!

It is 100% on the leaker if we do not get leaks anymore. Also 100% their fault if they are stopped by NPD.

And lastly Gaf is huge, and important people often see those NPD threads. So its not like Vgchartz is the main cause.

I appreciated the numbers before, but if we no longer get it then so be it.

Lastly if we really want to protect it. Then we should lock all NPD threads and allow posting in locked NPD threads.

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Wow. These numbers are shocking. Xbox One is way overtracked at VGC.

Conegamer said:
DonFerrari said:

And since when NPD numbers are copyrighted material? It is quite reaching to mod based on that. And if it was really moddable then these threads should have been banned from the beggining.

Before the numbers were either leaked with a range, or given to us straight from NPD. The graph literally said "DO NOT SHARE THIS" or something on the top which is close enough for me.

Anyway, yeah because of the events in this thread it's pretty much a certainty that we won't be getting NPD leaks from now on. You can agree or disagree with what we said, fine, but at the end of the day it was merely to try and keep these threads going. As it stands it seems like that won't be possible.

Lol it's not because of the events of this thread but because of mods on gaf cracking down on her method. It was a stupid way to share the numbers to begin with. I mean, usually she only shared rough estimates and hints and such but now she had very detailed data for all 100k+ gaf users to see. Her mission to share numbers with sort of the "gaf elite" is ridiculous but it also means that she won't stop sharing data as long as she gets the spotlight on gaf. She will just go back to former methods or find a better one.

The One and Only

Ka-pi96 said:
Conegamer said:

Before the numbers were either leaked with a range, or given to us straight from NPD. The graph literally said "DO NOT SHARE THIS" or something on the top which is close enough for me.

Anyway, yeah because of the events in this thread it's pretty much a certainty that we won't be getting NPD leaks from now on. You can agree or disagree with what we said, fine, but at the end of the day it was merely to try and keep these threads going. As it stands it seems like that won't be possible.

I dunno about that, I wouldn't really be surprised if another leaked popped up, especially considering the busiest two months of the year are happening right now.

Yeah, there will be someone else no doubt but don't expect anything from this leaker!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

All this leaking crap is just BS. Do people here think that anyone giving out these leaks doesn't somehow like the attention they get? Especially with how NeoGaf is structured. There are way easier dram free ways to make thee leaks without all the James Bond shit. The leakers as far as I am concerned are just attention seeking whores. They can keep their bloody numbers lol.

Case in point; All a leaker has to do is verify their info with the Mods on Gaf, then give the numbers to the mod in a PM and instruct said PM to release publish it in the thread after like 4 or 5 hours. And thats it. No one will ever know who the leaker is. Everyone will be happy. Problem solved. And this way the leakers could even give way more information than they do.

That is what a leaker would do if they were really doing this cause they wanted to help give some transparency to the gaming industry. But this nonsense of giving off the numbers directly and all cryptic and shit is just an attention seeking ploy. There are waaaay easier, hassle free and comprehensive ways of accomplishing the same thing.

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Ka-pi96 said:
NewGuy said:
Conegamer said:

Whilst I'm not sure about the practice of "disguising" the numbers in this way, what I do know is that these numbers are confidential and were asked not to be shared. Is that the right thing to do? Perhaps not. However the graph which was posted in particular is quite a clear violation of Rule 15 on this site. Read up on it if you'd like.

As Tor said however there's no well-defined rule about this, nor am I pleased with how the numbers were displayed in the first place. However a little courtesy would be appreciated for the longevity of the leaks; else soon enough we'll get nothing at all because people couldn't be discrete for a month. 

So I guess it's your call, really. We've made our decision and standpoint clear, now it's up to you whether or not you wish to respect that or not.

Could you kindly point me to that rule? I glanced through the TOS and did not find it:

15. Do not post links to or requests for copyrighted content. This is pretty well black and white - posting links to, or requests for, copyrighted content can and will get you banned. Copyrighted material includes, but is not limited to: copies of games, ROMs of console games (not including wholly from scratch creations, subject to any licenses said creations may have), and leaked versions of not-yet-released games, even ones that will be freely available in the future. Just because you've got your hot little digital hands on a leaked copy of the Half Life 3 open beta a few years/decades/centuries early, doesn't mean that you can share it here. The same goes for movies, unless they are hosted on a reputable video website. Feel free to defend and discuss piracy in general, but don’t use the forums as a means of sharing pirated content.

And since when would NPD material be copyrighted? Enforce rule 15 for it would be out of scope and if it was applicable then NPD threads should have been banned long ago. I'm not bashing or complaining about mods Just giving my 2 cents on the rule since a mod started it.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Ka-pi96 said:
NPD should really get a competitor or at least be more public, you dont see people hiding the box office, the single or album sales on the US and worldwide or the game sales in Japan, and those are weekly numbers

NPD does already have a competitor... it's called VGChartz. Don't expect anything better, we don't get actual numbers for Europe, just chart positions, which GAF give out for free anyways, so it is in line with other video game sales trackers.

This is like saying the WiiU competes with the PS4

What we have is immense overtracking for the X1,again.Those numbers are shown on the frontpage and are added @ those bars.
At least 150k overtracked if we take into account the wrong october numbers combined with the "we trippled our sales" statement from Microsoft.
Cause Chartz used the wrong numbers for the "we trippled our stuff"

And yeah Europe tracking is a lot harder  but what would it help if Europe would have something like NPD?Would those numbers get reflected on VGchartz at the end?
What we really have is Sony saying they SOLD 1 Million PS4s THROUGH TO CUSTOMER in Germany while missing 200k or more here on Chartz and for some reason doesn't count.

A few pages back someone said Gaf has no reason to hate Chartz at all...Im pretty sure this is a good reason enough.They don't want these (currently mostly) completely wrong numbers on their site even if they are supposed to be just estimates.
Especially with the constant overtracking of the X1 - People should start asking why does this happen all the time?Is there something showing that would suggest the X1 does those numbers?Or is this just wishful thinking?And why aren't they getting adjusted down instantly when proven wrong?
If this would get fixed there would be much less of these "X1 takes this and that back" threads which are backed on false numbers.

Ka-pi96 said:
DonFerrari said:

And since when NPD numbers are copyrighted material? It is quite reaching to mod based on that. And if it was really moddable then these threads should have been banned from the beggining.

From Cone's orignal post 'However the graph which was posted in particular is quite a clear violation of Rule 15 on this site'

Seems like it's only the graph and not the actual numbers that are the problem.

not sure you can copyright numbers or graphs.


About your second reply the phone held the reply and I tough I didn't send and rewrote.

But yeah cone answered and I agree with his preocupation but not with using rule 15.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Exclusive software pie:

The One and Only

Ninsect said:

Exclusive software pie:

Blue = Sunset
Yellow = Driveclub
Orange = Bayonetta 2
Grey = I have no clue


Blue = SSB
Grey = Sunset
Orange = Bayonetta 2
Yellow = Driveclub

(But that does not make any sense, because Smash sold so much better than all of the other three games)