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All this leaking crap is just BS. Do people here think that anyone giving out these leaks doesn't somehow like the attention they get? Especially with how NeoGaf is structured. There are way easier dram free ways to make thee leaks without all the James Bond shit. The leakers as far as I am concerned are just attention seeking whores. They can keep their bloody numbers lol.

Case in point; All a leaker has to do is verify their info with the Mods on Gaf, then give the numbers to the mod in a PM and instruct said PM to release publish it in the thread after like 4 or 5 hours. And thats it. No one will ever know who the leaker is. Everyone will be happy. Problem solved. And this way the leakers could even give way more information than they do.

That is what a leaker would do if they were really doing this cause they wanted to help give some transparency to the gaming industry. But this nonsense of giving off the numbers directly and all cryptic and shit is just an attention seeking ploy. There are waaaay easier, hassle free and comprehensive ways of accomplishing the same thing.