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Ka-pi96 said:
NPD should really get a competitor or at least be more public, you dont see people hiding the box office, the single or album sales on the US and worldwide or the game sales in Japan, and those are weekly numbers

NPD does already have a competitor... it's called VGChartz. Don't expect anything better, we don't get actual numbers for Europe, just chart positions, which GAF give out for free anyways, so it is in line with other video game sales trackers.

This is like saying the WiiU competes with the PS4

What we have is immense overtracking for the X1,again.Those numbers are shown on the frontpage and are added @ those bars.
At least 150k overtracked if we take into account the wrong october numbers combined with the "we trippled our sales" statement from Microsoft.
Cause Chartz used the wrong numbers for the "we trippled our stuff"

And yeah Europe tracking is a lot harder  but what would it help if Europe would have something like NPD?Would those numbers get reflected on VGchartz at the end?
What we really have is Sony saying they SOLD 1 Million PS4s THROUGH TO CUSTOMER in Germany while missing 200k or more here on Chartz and for some reason doesn't count.

A few pages back someone said Gaf has no reason to hate Chartz at all...Im pretty sure this is a good reason enough.They don't want these (currently mostly) completely wrong numbers on their site even if they are supposed to be just estimates.
Especially with the constant overtracking of the X1 - People should start asking why does this happen all the time?Is there something showing that would suggest the X1 does those numbers?Or is this just wishful thinking?And why aren't they getting adjusted down instantly when proven wrong?
If this would get fixed there would be much less of these "X1 takes this and that back" threads which are backed on false numbers.