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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie, implies that there isn't a big difference between Xbox and PS4

mine said:
pokoko said:
People are trying awfully hard to prove that games which doesn't feature a cartoon style character are the same, huh? I do admit that makes me chuckle.

It's kind of pitiful, isn't it? This need by a few Nintendo fans to marginalize anything that they don't have? Yeah, we know you don't have a Halo or an Uncharted or a God of War or a Sunset Overdrive but how can anyone think those games are the same? That's silly and you know it.

Sure. As Halo, Uncharted, God of War have seen their first title released on the HD-Twins, it is of course not possible to have something with XBox 360 or PS3 graphics running on the Wii U. 

It is also known fact that revisiting any of these games on the XBox 360 or PS3 is not fun at all as the gameplay experience suffers that much from not having up to date graphics. 

If this is the case - you know what - then I just don't need Halo, Uncharted, GoW, CoD or whatever didn't get released on the Wii U as its core mechanics and gameplay just don't offer enough value to me and most of the other Wii U owners.



Known fact? You have any references?

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jlmurph2 said:

It tells that kids games sell on Nintendo consoles.


That "kids game" Bayonetta - didn't it sell on the Wii U as much as one 360 or PS3 while having a fraction of their installed hardware base?

Must be some sales clerks didn't do their job checking buyers age...

mine said:
jlmurph2 said:

It tells that kids games sell on Nintendo consoles.


That "kids game" Bayonetta - didn't it sell on the Wii U as much as one 360 or PS3 while having a fraction of their installed hardware base?

Must be some sales clerks didn't do their job checking buyers age...

I didn't say Nintendo sells kids games on their consoles. I said kids games sell on Nintendo consoles. You were arguing Disney Infinity and Skylanders sell better to Wii U owners and now you're trying to flip it? lol

jlmurph2 said:
mine said:

Lets do a fact check - which is quite easy as there are not so many cross platform titles out there.

Skylanders and Disney Infinity are the biggest ones which are available on Wii U, XOne and PS4.

Everybody here can lookup the sales database and do the math.

Taking the last generation into account too the picture gets even more clear: its the Nintendo consoles which have the highest attach rates.

It hurts Skylanders big to not be able to release on the Wii anymore. As it has "grown up" on the Wii.

But it is simply astonishing how many they sell on the Wii U given the much smaller hardware base.

This tells something: any Third offering a unique experience appealing to Nintendos customer base can be successful.

They just have to tailor the experience instead of "just porting".

It speaks for itself that most developers either can't do that or have doubts in their ability to do that.

It tells that kids games sell on Nintendo consoles.

For cross platform games kid friendly games will sell better than mature games on wiiu. That's a known fact. Yes there are adults who are so passionate about Nintendo that they only buy Nintendo consoles but most core gamers who buy a wiiu will also have an xbox one, ps4, or pc and you're gonna buy cross platform games on they system with better graphics in most cases. Most households which only have a nintendo system are ones buying it as a family system which results in kid friendly 3rd party games selling reasonably well on the system. For a mature game to do well on nintendo it's gotta be exclusive. If I could have bought bayonetta 2 on my ps4 i would have done so.

Ka-pi96 said:

Agreed. Nintendo are the ones targeting only a narrow demographic. PlayStation really is the something for everyone console

That's really the simple truth of the matter.  When gaming was opening up to many different genres, styles, and perspectives, Nintendo was the one that stayed fixated on a limited scope.  That's the primary reason why they lost so many gamers, including me.

They actually made a stab at fixing that with the Wii U but it's probably too little, too late.  Those who crave variety or wanted something different are already gone.

Around the Network
jlmurph2 said:
bowserthedog said:
OttoniBastos said:

Nintendo PR should learn not to be arrogant.They always say things like "we are different" or "our console doesn't need filthy third party software" and yet their console is failing.

Reggie implies that PS4 and Xone are too similar and yet both are outselling WiiU(ps4 outsold LTD in less than 6 months).

Seriously they really need to put someone else in the place of iwata.Someone younger and with a better vision about global modern gamming.I'm not saying Nintendo needs to have a Mountain dew/doritos kind of view but it's obvious that the lack of third party support and online structure is hurting WiiU and will hurt the next machine too.They probably will be the first one to jump on next gen and they will not put a machine as strong as PS5/Xtwo.

Is the wiiu really failing?  I feel like it will turn a profit in the long run and Xbox One likely will be profit negative. It might end up being similar to the Ios/android race. Android has an 80% market share worldwide however Apple is making the lions share of profits. So would you label the IOS line of phones to be failing simply based on hardware unit share?

Comparing Wii U to the iPhone? Nice.

New 3DS resmbles an iPhonesque product upgrades.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Ka-pi96 said:
bowserthedog said:

That is valid in theory. But the development cost of a 1st party Nintendo game is relatively low. I'd be surprised if Nintendo lost money on any first party wiiu games. Some of Nintendo's games have a large budget but these are rare. I could see Zelda U needing a couple million in sales to be profitable which it will easily acheive. I'm really surprised to see that people are trying to argue a case for xbox being more profitable. I thought it was a known fact to be a loss leader for microsoft which is way so many investers are calling for microsoft to sell off thier xbox division.

Yeah Nintendo probably won't lose any money on a 1st party title, but the risk is still there. Relying alot on 3rd party minimises that risk, it is the 3rd party companies that have to take the risk not Microsoft themselves.

Also... Xbox is actually quite profitable for Microsoft, so it being a loss leader is certainly not a fact. Sure overall it has made a loss, almost entirely because of the original Xbox and its associated costs. But the 360 has been consistently making a profit for Microsoft.

The articles i've read on the subject suggest that Microsoft lost billion on the xbox 360.

pokoko said:
mine said:

It is also known fact that revisiting any of these games on the XBox 360 or PS3 is not fun at all as the gameplay experience suffers that much from not having up to date graphics. 


I have no idea what you're talking about.  That doesn't even make any sense and it's certainly not a "fact".  It sounds silly and made up.

I also don't care if you don't think anything that isn't made by Nintendo has any value.  That's personal opinion and fine with me.  Heck, I wouldn't pay $5 for another Mario platformer even if I owned a Wii U.

Actually, nothing you said has much to do with anything.

Of course it is made up. As it makes no sense. 

It also makes no sense not to release great games on the Wii U if they offer unique experiences no where seen else.

Bayonetta 2 proves that there is an audience for "grown up" games. 

The developers just have to make sure their costs are not running wild.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
jlmurph2 said:

Comparing Wii U to the iPhone? Nice.

New 3DS resmbles an iPhonesque prouct upgrades.

And the 2DS was the cheaper version like the iPhone's "c"

mine said:
pokoko said:

I have no idea what you're talking about.  That doesn't even make any sense and it's certainly not a "fact".  It sounds silly and made up.

I also don't care if you don't think anything that isn't made by Nintendo has any value.  That's personal opinion and fine with me.  Heck, I wouldn't pay $5 for another Mario platformer even if I owned a Wii U.

Actually, nothing you said has much to do with anything.

Of course it is made up. As it makes no sense. 

It also makes no sense not to release great games on the Wii U if they offer unique experiences no where seen else.

Bayonetta 2 proves that there is an audience for "grown up" games. 

The developers just have to make sure their costs are not running wild.

Bayonetta 2 is selling what its selling because of exclusive hype.