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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict XB1 US Sales! XB1 outselling PS4 OVER 3:1 on Amazon US! Sunset Bundle up 11,000%, 5 XB1 Skus in Top 40 Vs 1 PS4


Predict US Sales for Week Ending 8th

0 - 50k BOMBA 117 20.78%
51k - 100k 70 12.43%
101k - 150k 67 11.90%
151k - 200k 62 11.01%
201k - 250k 52 9.24%
251k - 300k 37 6.57%
301k - 350k 22 3.91%
351k+ INSANITY 134 23.80%
Nate4Drake said:
tiffac said:
Its about d@mn time MS wins back home territory~

You mean, it's about time MS wins 1 single NPD after another price cut, right ?

No, I mean win the US. This is the start, there is no turning back.

Nov and Dec will easily go to the X1. :)

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Wow, didn't expect PS4 to drop out of top 20!

#5 XB1 Sunset
#9 XB1 AC Unity
#11 XB1 COD 1TB
#22 PS4 Standard
#27 XB1 Standard
#39 XB1 AC Unity Kinect
#55 PS4 Destiny


Went to sleep, woke up and xbox 1 still beasting on amazon charts. hope it continues.

Praise the One.

Dat top 10

It is quite something how much some of you on here lack perspective and have fallen for the thread. This will make an awesome bump down the line.

FYI TF bundle is 51 top seller for 2014 quite a achievement, yet It still failed to out sale the PS4 that month. Now not the Sunset Unity or either COD bundle have made it in the top 100 for the year. So now think how little significance a few days of amazon ranking really have.

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man-bear-pig said:
Dat top 10


Releasing so many bundles or big, eye catching software while offering a mini pricecut? They played it perfectly and Sony have offered absolutely no reply. SCEA caught with their pants down.


With PS4 ranking going down, it can be said that the Xbox One is also stealing some sales from the PS4

riecsou said:
With PS4 ranking going down, it can be said that the Xbox One is also stealing some sales from the PS4

That's quite a reach and not how it works.  Most likely it is people jumping on the deals,  who wanted an x1 anyway. 

A price cut and bundles cause a spike? Of course it did, problem for Ms is it just moved sales forward. Sales will rank in 2015. Temp measures never fix longterm issues

Scientificreason said:
riecsou said:
With PS4 ranking going down, it can be said that the Xbox One is also stealing some sales from the PS4

That's quite a reach and not how it works.  Most likely it is people jumping on the deals,  who wanted an x1 anyway. 

Good question to ask is then, if they jump now.

will it mean lower then expected December sales.