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Forums - Movies & TV - "10 Hours of Walking In NYC As a Woman "

Catcalling is a part of NYC. Dont like it, move to another state.

This has nothing to do with being harassed.

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foodfather said:
Catcalling is a part of NYC. Dont like it, move to another state.

This has nothing to do with being harassed.

Or you could actual speak about which what people normally do when they find issue with something. 

NiKKoM said:
RenCutypoison said:
Bus is full after few stops, a woman sits by my side. I say "hi" to her. She stands, goes the other side of the bus standing and looks at me like i'm some creep

You should stop making a face like this when you say:" hi"

Thanks for the gif. Now i won't be able to sleep at night.

radha said:

The video is 3 minutes long, 1.25% of the time she walked she was getting cat calls, this definitely needs more priority than curing cancer and HIV.


Obviously not but humans spend 99.9%  of their time talking or acting upon trivial issues. Might aswell never complain about a video game or movie ever again because CANCER/AIDS and Famin.

She just wore a tight jeans then everybody crushed on her, that's brilliant. But good lord 31 million views!! :O

Around the Network
Aerys said:
Women became crazy nowadays. Is there a country where feminist doesnt exist ?

Sure. whatever country women are treated equally  to men. :/ Is there a country without mysogyny?


"Oh by the way she should have worn cargo pants or something cause men can't control themselves very well if they can see fitted pants, or better yet never go outside again 'cause the problem is her. She was asking for it, she was wanting it, and she should feel privileged for recieving it. Oh and she should have totally said "no" because we all know strange men talking to you on the street respond very well to that. I guess I can't hit on women anymore on the street or even say hi anymore, that's how I was going to meet my wife."

That seems to sum up half the responses.







QUAKECore89 said:
She just wore a tight jeans then everybody crushed on her, that's brilliant. But good lord 31 million views!! :O

I wore tight jeans yesterday and noone hit on me or even said hi. I wonder what the difference was? It couldn't possible be because I am a guy because according to some of the responses here "people" hit on or engage "people" who wear fitted clothes. 

badgenome said:
RenCutypoison said:
Street harassment is so exaggerated by feminist.

For personnal story :

Sit on the bus at first stop, be alone just fine. I didn't have my earphones.

Bus is full after few stops, a woman sits by my side. I say "hi" to her. She stands, goes the other side of the bus standing and looks at me like i'm some creep.

So much for being polite

It could have been worse:

This is actual street harassment

teigaga said:
radha said:

The video is 3 minutes long, 1.25% of the time she walked she was getting cat calls, this definitely needs more priority than curing cancer and HIV.


Obviously not but humans spend 99.9%  of their time talking or acting upon trivial issues. Might aswell never complain about a video game or movie ever again because CANCER/AIDS and Famin.

Well if they want to show women as victims they can also talk about salary, third world rape culture, child wedding, domestic violence, ...

Instead she's complaining about people saying hi to her.

Also a man saying "Your pants look nice" gets answer like "stop watching my ass". Last time a women told me my pants looked nice, i thanked her.

teigaga said:
radha said:

The video is 3 minutes long, 1.25% of the time she walked she was getting cat calls, this definitely needs more priority than curing cancer and HIV.


Obviously not but humans spend 99.9%  of their time talking or acting upon trivial issues. Might aswell never complain about a video game or movie ever again because CANCER/AIDS and Famin.

Dude, do you really think this is a valid complain ?? cat calls? really ? come on man.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!