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Forums - Gaming Discussion - It's Official-ish, PS4 Has the Best Games Lineup for New Gen Home Consoles this Holidays

RolStoppable said:
binary solo said:

Good for you. Wii U does have the best 90+ line up.

I've made a wise choice then. It also looks like the Wii U is superior when it comes to multiplatform games. Guacamelee scored highest on Wii U across all three platforms.

That's because it has fewer reviews. Just 9 compared to 29 on the Ps4. The Xb1 has the fewest one. Most of the multiplatform games have the highest number of reviews on the Ps4 version. It is unfair to compare metacritic scores of multiplatform games specially when all versions do not have equal or at the very least close amounts of reviews.

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noname2200 said:
prayformojo said:
RolStoppable said:
Wii U has the best lineup. 

It DOES have an awesome lineup and that's why I own one but... it's not very diverse. That's my only complaint. Every first party (as in developed in house) game is family friendly. I love ALL types of games, not JUST the MKs and the Pikmins. 

I think Nintendo is fortunate that Sony hasn't pushed more Slys,Rachets, Bandicoots and Sockboys out there and has instead, shifted to mostly dark mature titles. The moment Sony starts trying to go back to the PS2 era where they had it all? It's going to be hard to compete.

I feel compelled to point out that not one of the Slys, Rachets, Bandicoots, and Sackboys were developed in-house either, and half the developers aren't even second-party today. This somewhat lessens (but hardly negates) the first paragraph.

True. I was just trying to make a point. I really wish Nintendo would have SNES like third party support so I wouldn't have to buy two consoles. I don't WANT to buy two consoles but I feel like I have to.

I would have to say the PS4 has the worst lineup of the three. I would rank them...

1. Wii U
2. XB1
3. PS4

noname2200 said:


So what does metacritic tell us? It tells us what the critics selected by metacritic think, as weighed by metacritic's opinion of the worth of those reviews. Nothing more, nothing less. If it got rid of the weighing system, it might actually tell us something about what professional game critics think, depending on how you define that term and how generous you want to be with your confidence level and interval. But then this thread was never supposed to be about what "critics" thought, was it?


In regards to this specific part, it's worth noting that metacritic are fairly light in their weighting, and most of it revolves around the popularity of the sites in question (which is a reasonable method of doing so). For example, Bayonetta 2 has an actual score of 90, while the game itself is sitting at 91. Sunset Overdrive is sitting at 83, with a meta of 82. The difference is usually small enough, and consistent enough, that it doesn't pose a huge threat to the merit of using metacritic in certain situations.

That said, it does also add a bit of more weight to the (correct :p) argument that it should, in no context, be used as proof of something being an absolute fact.

RolStoppable said:
binary solo said:

Good for you. Wii U does have the best 90+ line up.

I've made a wise choice then. It also looks like the Wii U is superior when it comes to multiplatform games. Guacamelee scored highest on Wii U across all three platforms.

Another example of reviewers having lower expectations for Wii U games.

My 8th gen collection

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All 3 libraries currently suck. That is all

cutzman25 said:
Yet my PS4 still collects dust. I need Drake and i need it now

I have zero interest in buying PS4 until the day that Uncharted 4 is released.

wiiu> xb1>ps4

Veknoid_Outcast said:
binary solo said:

Do you not understand metacritic and how it derives the metascore for each game? And do you not understand the meaning of the word objective? It appears from your question that you don't understand either of these things. Let me educate you.

Metacritic derives its score from a weighted average of the scores from reviews it collects. Each review is obviously a subjective assessment of a game based on the views of the critic. The metascore is less subjective than each individual review's score because it is effectively a poll of many different opinions. But less subjective =/= objective. The metascore is more like a probability of whether you will like the game.

Objective means " not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts." This thread is an objective presentation of the best reviewed games that are available on the three new gen home consoles and their respective metascores. Errors caused by laziness or carelessness aside, the list in the OP is completely free from my personal feelings or opinions. I haven't included or excluded any games from consideration based on whether I think they should count.

You will note that in the OP I say "This is as objective as it gets in this industry". Ergo I am saying it is not truly objective. But the fact is, there is nothing more objective available to base an assesment of which console has the best library of games leading in to the holidays.

TBH I should add the 70+ games because I've argued (subjectively obviously) in the past that 70+ games should be regarded as good/great games. For Wii U that's 19 more games, for PS4 that's 25 more games and for Xb one that's 14 more games (that's without making sure all the multiplats are in each list). But as you can see it only adds further weight to the assessment in favour of PS4.

This thread is not so much a joke thread, as bit of a snark at claims PS4 has the lowest quality library among the 3 new gen platforms. While metascore isn't really objective proof that PS4 has the best quality library, it is objective evidence that PS4 has a more than sufficient library of good quality games and it is comparable to the other new gen consoles.

I understand how Metacritic works and I understand the meaning of objective. 

Your presentation of these numbers may be objective, but the numbers per se are not. They are the collected works of human beings, all carrying their own preferences, priorities, hang-ups, and biases. Yes, by virtue of their proximity to the industry and their experience with games, they are given deference. But in no way does a 95 on Metacritic, for example, make a game great. It signals that the average weighted score from critics was 95, it signals overwhelming critical approval, but it doesn't signify greatness. 

And if we follow your line of thought to its logical conclusion, which I did in my original post, then why bother debating the quality of games? How can I argue that game A is better than game B, if Metacritic, which, as you say, is "objective evidence," says otherwise?

If you truly feel that PS4 is being unfairly criticized, then I encourage you to play its games, play its competitors' games, and write a detailed, thoughtful essay on why you personally believe that PS4 has an excellent library of games. It would be a lot more meaningful coming from you, based on your own analysis, written in your own words. Simply copying and pasting an aggregate of others' opinions does the whole topic a disservice.

But what you've done isn't follow my line of thought to its logical conclusion. The logical conclusion from my OP is that statements from fans of consoles other than PS4 that PS4 has a rubbish game library and has nothing to compete with this holidays has no basis in any objective fact. My OP does not in any way imply that debating the merits of any individual game, or the comparitive merits of any 2 games, between individuals, or among a community of individuals is pointless.

I don't say metacritic is objective evidence of a game's inherent quality. You need to read what I actualy write before you make comments about what I'm saying.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Ummm Why not wait for Smash to be included?