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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Sunset Overdrive Metacritic/review thread - Current meta: 82

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What do think about Sunset Overdrive's Meta score?

Too High 92 29.97%
Too Low 42 13.68%
hmmmm about right 137 44.63%
See Results 36 11.73%

I was expecting high 70s. Hopefully they market the bundle right.

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CGI-Quality said:

It was actually a genuine question (some people get game(s) early and even complete them). 

In any event, you clarified, so it's all good.

Nah... I'm not that lucky.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Loved the reviews on the Escapist and Destructoid, shame the Escapist is almost 90% PC elitists and some in the Dtoid comment section calling it going to PC for definite and all because of that ad and the image MS/Phil is giving the world right now.

I want the game pretty bad but at the same time I don't if it's just going to jump ship, I need phil delivering on the promise that they're not going to let any more exclusives slip away.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

CGI-Quality said:
Chazore said:
Loved the reviews on the Escapist and Destructoid, shame the Escapist is almost 90% PC elitists and some in the Dtoid comment section calling it going to PC for definite and all because of that ad and the image MS/Phil is giving the world right now.

I want the game pretty bad but at the same time I don't if it's just going to jump ship, I need phil delivering on the promise that they're not going to let any more exclusives slip away.

With 3rd party titles, you should never put faith in the: "promise to remain exclsuive". That ship sailed long ago, and with Insomniac stressing that they wanted to keep all rights to the IP, it's best not to expect permanent exclusivity.

I say if you really want it - get it. It's not like any other system can hold it back from its potential.

It's not the holding back that's an issue for me, it's that I want it on the XB1 because it's only on there, if it goes to PC which I also use I'd be better off getting it there, when they offer a game to another platform that generally tends to do it better I'd go for that option without a doubt, if it;s done to the best it can do on only one platform I'd get it as well but if it's going on one platform first and then another it just means one less for the original platform for me which would technically mean one less game to get on XB1 if it ships eslewhere, I want the XB1 for what it has and offers, not what it offers for a few months and then gives away to everyone else, I'd feel like I'd wasted my money.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

CGI-Quality said:

Then your only option is to wait. I wanted Ryse: Son of Rome last year, but didn't want an X1 at the time and had many, many other things to buy. My patience paid off, as I just completed the game today and am not sorry for playing it on the PC. You may end up in a similar situation with SO.

I suppose, normally I'm patient with some things in life, games here and there but I wish the new would hit now rather than months down the line, it makes my list crossing more accurate and up to date if they say it's going to another platform or stick to their guns, say it won't and never budge, though that's been said twice so far which makes that hard to believe, kind of why I really want Phil to work his ass off on correcting that image.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Some nice scores! My most anticipated XB1 title!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

A bit higher then what I thought it would be was thinking uper 70s like Dead Rising 3. Still don't like the case but its better then the original cover which was even uglier.

I wonder when quarter to three's review will show up ...

1 point lower than I predicted.

Chris Hu said:
A bit higher then what I thought it would be was thinking uper 70s like Dead Rising 3. Still don't like the case but its better then the original cover which was even uglier.

Are you talking about the Placeholder?

I actually liked this a lot. Simple and awesome art :) New one is okay, just don't the centered character. Would like more Fizzie xD