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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%
curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Of course I heard about it. I just never had any reason to analyze it. It doesn't interest me.

ok fair enough i guess its generally not until certain events start to impact on us directly that we start to care about them

i suppose the citizens of iraq for the most part didn't care too much about 9/11 until they started getting bombed under false pretenses

edit: now we have a situation over there that's comparible to hiroshima apparently

If I had to get deeply invested every time thousands of people died, I'd spend my entire life wallowing in despair. The number of people who died in 9/11 happens pretty much daily in lots of countries. The world's a messed up place. 9/11, while terrible, is a drop in the ocean statistically speaking.

why does all of this death happen in other countries?

is all of it because people are just inherently evil dirt bags

or perhaps does a lot of it happen because of manipulation? like false flag operations?

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PullusPardus said:
I know it's a joke but Isn't Illuminati an elite Atheist group? not Satanic or religious. They want to build a system where scientists can have all the power to advance humanity without the restrictions of morality and religion.

o_O.Q said:

why does all of this death happen in other countries?

is all of it because people are just inherently evil dirt bags

or perhaps does a lot of it happen because of manipulation? like false flag operations?

Countless different reasons; the war on terror and the Islamic retaliation it has precipitated, enemy peoples forced together when the white superpowers carved up Africa in the 1800s, the US wanting oil or aligning with regimes that oppose their enemies, warlords using the chaos to grab their own little seat of power, different religions fighting for control of countries and populations, etc, etc.

curl-6 said:
PullusPardus said:
I know it's a joke but Isn't Illuminati an elite Atheist group? not Satanic or religious. They want to build a system where scientists can have all the power to advance humanity without the restrictions of morality and religion.

Yes its the same idea. and the same as the "Freemasons" but freemasons are leaders of the world (such as the queen of england and the 'House of Lords' ) instead of scientists. And they're more public because as a leader I doubt you would give a damn about what others think.  They even have places like "Freemason Hall, London" because they're such show offs.

Templars are also like that but they're christians, I don't think Templars exist anymore though because The Vatican is already drowning with money and power so they don't give a damn.

o_O.Q said:

that wasn't an answer

i spoke of building 7 because building 7 is the building which displays the most anomalous conditions

adding more buildings to the equation doesn't answer my question

no plane or building chunks hit building 7 yet it collapsed in on itself

if we say that jet fuel burned thoughout the twin towers weakening their structure and that was the cause of their collapse how do we explain this


You know buildings often fall due to earthquakes and shockwave radius'. The reason WTC 7 fell and not the others around is because it is connected VIA a hall. I've been there multiple times myself there is a walkway that connects all the buildings together you just have to destroy the twin towers and the rest will fall. WTC 7 fell last because it was the farthest one. 

Its not a conspiracy or anything. not chemtrails and what ever stuff you guys love to come up with. 

I'm not "brainwashed by America" either I'm not american I'm Middle Eastern. I hate you guys as much as you hate yourselves.

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o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Until you mentioned it, I'd never even heard of building 7. I'm not American.

until a little over a month ago i hadn't either

why do you think that is?

Because you either don't live in the US and / or are too young to have experienced the events of 9/11 as they unfolded yourself (and one look at your profile confirms both of these things)... those of us who do and who have experienced it firsthand knew about building 7's collapse THE DAY IT FREAKING HAPPENED, because we watched it happen on live TV!

I'm not surprised you only first heard about it "a little over a month ago", which just so happens to coincide with the anniversary, because that's when the 9/11 Truthers crawl out from under their rocks every year to peddle their conspiracy theories that have been debunked a hundred times over already, and unfortunately there are plenty of gullible people who swallow their BS whole each and every time.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

padib said:
Most people posting in this thread against the existence of the illuminati have clearly not done much research.

@pulluspardus. The illuminati are in the top spheres of freemasonry.

Where can I find some good, reputable freemasons?  I need some work done on my house and was doing a Google search for masonry workers in my area, but all of them seem to charge an arm and a leg for that stuff.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

padib said:
Most people posting in this thread against the existence of the illuminati have clearly not done much research.

@pulluspardus. The illuminati are in the top spheres of freemasonry.

They both have the same goals so they might as well be eh? 

I just think that the Illuminati would not like political leaders to be leaders. kind of like Technocracy  and they had their roots from "Age of Enlightenment" which wanted more reason and indivisualism rather than tradition and religion. Which means their agenda kind of goes against most Freemasons.

NightDragon83 said:
padib said:
Most people posting in this thread against the existence of the illuminati have clearly not done much research.

@pulluspardus. The illuminati are in the top spheres of freemasonry.

Where can I find some good, reputable freemasons?  I need some work done on my house and was doing a Google search for masonry workers in my area, but all of them seem to charge an arm and a leg for that stuff.


Call Nintendo. They will send you Mario.

padib said:
Most people posting in this thread against the existence of the illuminati have clearly not done much research.

Frankly, those who think they do run the world have clearly swallowed too many crackpot conspiracy theories.