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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%
curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:

watch it again do not fall for confirmation bias

allow yourself to reach any conclusion not just the predetermined conclusion you've been told you must have

hahahah couldn't have said it better. you know there are things i can beleive like hitler escaping to argentina and two of his kids are alive and well today but the twin towers illuminati thing is the funiest and most absurd thing i've ever heard. it doesn't bother me ither way which is true but i sill firmly beleive my side of things. 

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curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:

watch it again do not fall for confirmation bias

allow yourself to reach any conclusion not just the predetermined conclusion you've been told you must have

yes it could be perceived that i'm being hypocritical because i'm telling him that he must have a certain conclusion

but that's not what i was trying to do 

what i was saying is that its clear that the conclusion he posted according to what is shown in the video isn't in line with reality

as a result i concluded myself that the reason he arrived at that conclusion was that as i said he had a predetermined conclusion

however, i'm not saying his conclusion must be the same as mine just that what he posted to anyone with functioning eyes cannot be what happened


but regardless what about you? what happened to building 7? what is your conclusion?

o_O.Q said:
NightDragon83 said:
Nintentacle said:
NightDragon83 said:
This illuminati stuff is funny... I can only imagine all the King Kong imagery and a myriad of other films and images if it was the Empire State Building that was hit instead of the WTC.

Wait, so this is a coincidence?

Dude... the US government couldn't keep a simple break-in at a hotel a secret... you really think they could keep a lid on conspiracy stuff like 9/11 and the JFK assassination without something leaking out at some point, especially today where almost EVERYTHING gets leaked at some point?

there is various evidence that shows that the official stories for those events are deception

i'll repeat an example i posted before once more, how was the third building that fell that day, building 7, destroyed?

The same way FOUR OTHER BUILDINGS were destroyed that day...



Or did you not realize that there were more than 3 buildings in NYC destroyed on 9/11?  Funny how the conspiracy theorists always seem to gloss over buildings 3-6 and pretend like they never existed, and only focus on the collapse of the twin towers and building 7.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

o_O.Q said:

yes it could be perceived that i'm being hypocritical because i'm telling him that he must have a certain conclusion

but that's not what i was trying to do 

what i was saying is that its clear that the conclusion he posted according to what is shown in the video isn't in line with reality

as a result i concluded myself that the reason he arrived at that conclusion was that as i said he had a predetermined conclusion

however, i'm not saying his conclusion must be the same as mine just that what he posted to anyone with functioning eyes cannot be what happened

but regardless what about you? what happened to building 7? what is your conclusion?

You are assuming that the way you interpret the video is the only valid way of looking at it.

My conclusion is that a secret society controlling the world in this day and age is about as plausible as the Easter Bunny. If you look for abstract symbols and coincidences in every facet of the world, you'll see what you want to see.

o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:

watch it again do not fall for confirmation bias

allow yourself to reach any conclusion not just the predetermined conclusion you've been told you must have

yes it could be perceived that i'm being hypocritical because i'm telling him that he must have a certain conclusion

but that's not what i was trying to do 

what i was saying is that its clear that the conclusion he posted according to what is shown in the video isn't in line with reality

as a result i concluded myself that the reason he arrived at that conclusion was that as i said he had a predetermined conclusion

however, i'm not saying his conclusion must be the same as mine just that what he posted to anyone with functioning eyes cannot be what happened


but regardless what about you? what happened to building 7? what is your conclusion?

read the guys post with the other buildings getting destroed also. and to use your logic, how do you know that video of the tower falling is even real? for all we know illuminati make believers edited that video so no debris hit the roof. you see your bs makie uppy logic works both ways. anyway i beliebe the footage to be authentic and nightdragon has explained why building 7 fell. hopefully one day you wake up and find something more pro active to do!

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NightDragon83 said:
o_O.Q said:
NightDragon83 said:
Nintentacle said:
NightDragon83 said:
This illuminati stuff is funny... I can only imagine all the King Kong imagery and a myriad of other films and images if it was the Empire State Building that was hit instead of the WTC.

Wait, so this is a coincidence?

Dude... the US government couldn't keep a simple break-in at a hotel a secret... you really think they could keep a lid on conspiracy stuff like 9/11 and the JFK assassination without something leaking out at some point, especially today where almost EVERYTHING gets leaked at some point?

there is various evidence that shows that the official stories for those events are deception

i'll repeat an example i posted before once more, how was the third building that fell that day, building 7, destroyed?

The same way FOUR OTHER BUILDINGS were destroyed that day...



Or did you not realize that there were more than 3 buildings in NYC destroyed on 9/11?  Funny how the conspiracy theorists always seem to gloss over buildings 3-6 and pretend like they never existed, and only focus on the collapse of the twin towers and building 7.

curl that's what i was trying to say, just not as articulate as you. and if you watch all these brainwashing propaganda for long enough you will eventually beleive it. 

Kerotan said:
NightDragon83 said:

The same way FOUR OTHER BUILDINGS were destroyed that day...



Or did you not realize that there were more than 3 buildings in NYC destroyed on 9/11?  Funny how the conspiracy theorists always seem to gloss over buildings 3-6 and pretend like they never existed, and only focus on the collapse of the twin towers and building 7.

curl that's what i was trying to say, just not as articulate as you. and if you watch all these brainwashing propaganda for long enough you will eventually beleive it. 

I think you quoted the wrong person, that's nightdragon. ;)

NightDragon83 said:
o_O.Q said:

there is various evidence that shows that the official stories for those events are deception

i'll repeat an example i posted before once more, how was the third building that fell that day, building 7, destroyed?

The same way FOUR OTHER BUILDINGS were destroyed that day...



Or did you not realize that there were more than 3 buildings in NYC destroyed on 9/11?  Funny how the conspiracy theorists always seem to gloss over buildings 3-6 and pretend like they never existed, and only focus on the collapse of the twin towers and building 7.

that wasn't an answer

i spoke of building 7 because building 7 is the building which displays the most anomalous conditions

adding more buildings to the equation doesn't answer my question

no plane or building chunks hit building 7 yet it collapsed in on itself

if we say that jet fuel burned thoughout the twin towers weakening their structure and that was the cause of their collapse how do we explain this

curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:

yes it could be perceived that i'm being hypocritical because i'm telling him that he must have a certain conclusion

but that's not what i was trying to do 

what i was saying is that its clear that the conclusion he posted according to what is shown in the video isn't in line with reality

as a result i concluded myself that the reason he arrived at that conclusion was that as i said he had a predetermined conclusion

however, i'm not saying his conclusion must be the same as mine just that what he posted to anyone with functioning eyes cannot be what happened

but regardless what about you? what happened to building 7? what is your conclusion?

You are assuming that the way you interpret the video is the only valid way of looking at it.

My conclusion is that a secret society controlling the world in this day and age is about as plausible as the Easter Bunny. If you look for abstract symbols and coincidences in every facet of the world, you'll see what you want to see.

not really that's why i was asking for answers because i acknowledge that my interpretation can be flawed

i'm not ready though to accept that chunks of buildings struck the building and that caused the collapse we see in the video and i'm not sure how anyone else can either

this has nothing to do with illuminati, global elites, or tibetan yaks

all i've asked is what happened to building 7 

o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:

yes it could be perceived that i'm being hypocritical because i'm telling him that he must have a certain conclusion

but that's not what i was trying to do 

what i was saying is that its clear that the conclusion he posted according to what is shown in the video isn't in line with reality

as a result i concluded myself that the reason he arrived at that conclusion was that as i said he had a predetermined conclusion

however, i'm not saying his conclusion must be the same as mine just that what he posted to anyone with functioning eyes cannot be what happened

but regardless what about you? what happened to building 7? what is your conclusion?

You are assuming that the way you interpret the video is the only valid way of looking at it.

My conclusion is that a secret society controlling the world in this day and age is about as plausible as the Easter Bunny. If you look for abstract symbols and coincidences in every facet of the world, you'll see what you want to see.

not really that's why i was asking for answers because i acknowledge that my interpretation can be flawed

i'm not ready though to accept that chunks of buildings struck the building and that caused the collapse we see in the video and i'm not sure how anyone else can either

this has nothing to do with illuminati, global elites, or tibetan yaks

all i've asked is what happened to building 7 

Until you mentioned it, I'd never even heard of building 7. I'm not American.