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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%
Kerotan said:

read the guys post with the other buildings getting destroed also. and to use your logic, how do you know that video of the tower falling is even real? for all we know illuminati make believers edited that video so no debris hit the roof. you see your bs makie uppy logic works both ways. anyway i beliebe the footage to be authentic and nightdragon has explained why building 7 fell. hopefully one day you wake up and find something more pro active to do!

that's is a valid point, you are right that i'm making the assumption that the video's are not fake

however, we do have eye witness accounts that corroborate what is seen in the videos


nightdragon actually did not explain anything, all he did was state that more than 3 buildings were destroyed even though i never stated otherwise

i focused on building 7 because its captured on several videos and does not fit the template that was used to explain the collapse of the twin towers, in addition to various other evidence

anyway as you've correctly said the videos could be false, that's true


yeah buddy investigating into the reasons why at this very moment innocent people are being killed in other countries is not worth while

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curl-6 said:

Until you mentioned it, I'd never even heard of building 7. I'm not American.

until a little over a month ago i hadn't either

why do you think that is?

o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Until you mentioned it, I'd never even heard of building 7. I'm not American.

until a little over a month ago i hadn't either

why do you think that is?

Because I'm not American and I've never showed much interest in 9/11.

curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Until you mentioned it, I'd never even heard of building 7. I'm not American.

until a little over a month ago i hadn't either

why do you think that is?

Because I'm not American and I've never showed much interest in 9/11.

but you did know about the twin towers though i'm sure?

why when it comes to the reporting of the attack do we only hear about the twin towers?

well again it could be simply that because the twin towers were larger and struck by planes they gained more attention 

personally i believe its because when people start to look at the other buildings that fell most notably building 7 its clear that something does not add up


oh and to clarify i'm not american either

o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Because I'm not American and I've never showed much interest in 9/11.

but you did know about the twin towers though i'm sure?

why when it comes to the reporting of the attack do we only hear about the twin towers?

well again it could be simply that because the twin towers were larger and struck by planes they gained more attention 

personally i believe its because when people start to look at the other buildings that fell most notably building 7 its clear that something does not add up

oh and to clarify i'm not american either

Of course I heard about it. I just never had any reason to analyze it. It doesn't interest me.

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curl-6 said:

Of course I heard about it. I just never had any reason to analyze it. It doesn't interest me.

ok fair enough i guess its generally not until certain events start to impact on us directly that we start to care about them

i suppose the citizens of iraq for the most part didn't care too much about 9/11 until they started getting bombed under false pretenses

edit: now we have a situation over there that's comparable to hiroshima apparently

it always gets me though how people can accept that they were fed lies about iraq but can't consider that maybe the lies extend even further

o_O.Q said:
Kerotan said:

read the guys post with the other buildings getting destroed also. and to use your logic, how do you know that video of the tower falling is even real? for all we know illuminati make believers edited that video so no debris hit the roof. you see your bs makie uppy logic works both ways. anyway i beliebe the footage to be authentic and nightdragon has explained why building 7 fell. hopefully one day you wake up and find something more pro active to do!

that's is a valid point, you are right that i'm making the assumption that the video's are not fake

however, we do have eye witness accounts that corroborate what is seen in the videos


nightdragon actually did not explain anything, all he did was state that more than 3 buildings were destroyed even though i never stated otherwise

i focused on building 7 because its captured on several videos and does not fit the template that was used to explain the collapse of the twin towers, in addition to various other evidence

anyway as you've correctly said the videos could be false, that's true


yeah buddy investigating into the reasons why at this very moment innocent people are being killed in other countries is not worth while

ok i'll go a step further. all the eye witness accounts were pro illuminati conspiratists. all recorded footage the same and edited. to have people like you wasting your time believing in their made up cult. If my BS is not valid then neither is yours. You chose! 

I don't know what you're getting at but the common theory is that the govt who set up 9/11 blew that building up because it's where they ran the show from so they needed to hide the evidence. 2 things I belive that help stop me from being sucked into this bs. 

What govt doing such a thing would be retarded enough to do it from 100 yeards away from the target? ANd as said before the govt can't keep anything secret, You really think they could have kept 100's of people quiet about this? Because such an operation would take hundreds of people knowing never mind all the people who have to set up the bombs. Now if people blab to the media about killing innocent people with drones in the middle east you think that a few wouldn't feel like doing the same about bring involved in 100's of innocent americans dying? Good lad, keep believing in this fairytale, but me I stopped beleiving bed time stories a long time ago! 

o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Of course I heard about it. I just never had any reason to analyze it. It doesn't interest me.

ok fair enough i guess its generally not until certain events start to impact on us directly that we start to care about them

i suppose the citizens of iraq for the most part didn't care too much about 9/11 until they started getting bombed under false pretenses

edit: now we have a situation over there that's comparible to hiroshima apparently

If I had to get deeply invested every time thousands of people died, I'd spend my entire life wallowing in despair. The number of people who died in 9/11 happens pretty much daily in lots of countries. The world's a messed up place. 9/11, while terrible, is a drop in the ocean statistically speaking.

I know it's a joke but Isn't Illuminati an elite Atheist group? not Satanic or religious. They want to build a system where scientists can have all the power to advance humanity without the restrictions of morality and religion.

Kerotan said:

ok i'll go a step further. all the eye witness accounts were pro illuminati conspiratists. all recorded footage the same and edited. to have people like you wasting your time believing in their made up cult. If my BS is not valid then neither is yours. You chose! 

I don't know what you're getting at but the common theory is that the govt who set up 9/11 blew that building up because it's where they ran the show from so they needed to hide the evidence. 2 things I belive that help stop me from being sucked into this bs. 

What govt doing such a thing would be retarded enough to do it from 100 yeards away from the target? ANd as said before the govt can't keep anything secret, You really think they could have kept 100's of people quiet about this? Because such an operation would take hundreds of people knowing never mind all the people who have to set up the bombs. Now if people blab to the media about killing innocent people with drones in the middle east you think that a few wouldn't feel like doing the same about bring involved in 100's of innocent americans dying? Good lad, keep believing in this fairytale, but me I stopped beleiving bed time stories a long time ago! 


"What govt doing such a thing would be retarded enough to do it from 100 yeards away from the target?"

sorry i'm unsure of what you're speaking about here


"Because such an operation would take hundreds of people knowing never mind all the people who have to set up the bombs"

valid point how this kind of thing could be pulled off i honestly can't really fathom but one thing i'm sure of is that the official story is full of holes


" Now if people blab to the media about killing innocent people with drones in the middle east you think that a few wouldn't feel like doing the same about bring involved in 100's of innocent americans dying?"

well that has happened several times

people have reported various evidence as i've said