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curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Of course I heard about it. I just never had any reason to analyze it. It doesn't interest me.

ok fair enough i guess its generally not until certain events start to impact on us directly that we start to care about them

i suppose the citizens of iraq for the most part didn't care too much about 9/11 until they started getting bombed under false pretenses

edit: now we have a situation over there that's comparible to hiroshima apparently

If I had to get deeply invested every time thousands of people died, I'd spend my entire life wallowing in despair. The number of people who died in 9/11 happens pretty much daily in lots of countries. The world's a messed up place. 9/11, while terrible, is a drop in the ocean statistically speaking.

why does all of this death happen in other countries?

is all of it because people are just inherently evil dirt bags

or perhaps does a lot of it happen because of manipulation? like false flag operations?