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Forums - Gaming Discussion - “We would not limit a game’s resolution” says Ubisoft

Intrinsic said:
Mad55 said:

I never claimed anyone has had to have worked on the game to claim parity lol, you learn to fucking read. 1 What I was saying was that people act as if they know more than they do when their on the outside looking in a lot of the time .

You seem to be really in your feeling right now with that emotional ass response on how you percieve me to be. I voice my opinions on the injustices of the game industry plenty, (I gets my batman on pimpin) 2 but if were always bitching about small things like this then we overshadow the more important things sometimesLike how awesome Unty looks graphically and gameplay wise, the new elements they have added trumps the resolution and framerate thing in matter of importance to how good the game will be, but people love to bitch. 


  1. Please, if you say no one here has worked on the game to know what is or what isn't and are saying that people like they know a lot even though they are all out looking in..... how are those two statements not the same thing? Are you not still basically saying that we are not informed enough to be making these claims or accusatons?

    Problem with that is that it is still exactly what warranted the response you got from me. Cause we do not have to know why, how or any more than we do to know that what ubisoft did (based on what they said they did) is wrong. We also don't have to be rocket scientists to know that what their excuse was was complete BS. 

  2. again, saying the kinda stuff that warranted the response you got. Who are you to determine what is important, big or little to people and how they choose to spend their money? This is not a little thing, cause very single gaming site has carried this story, theer are over 500k people on neogaf talking about it, theer are thousands more conversations on this matter happenning here on this site. There is nothing small about that. Its big enough to have warranted two responses from ubisoft and an opportunistic push from EA. Yet you are here trying to tell people that we are over reacting?

    We don't need to praise ubisoft for how good an engine looks when from their own admission we know it can look better. We don't need to praise them for work that many other devs this gen will put into their games. We don't need to praise them for work they are doing to get our money from us. I don't know whats wrong with people like you. And yes, I am emotional about this.. but not ven about what ubisoft has done, I can live with that, alrady made my decision to buy the game used. Thats the best way to send the message home. What is eating me up is how gamers like you would never stand for yourself. You do not see that in an industry that is constantly evolving like this one, its all about those littl battles. These little things that you think are unimportant are what leads to the big things that would make you hate this hobby we have. You cannot see th ebigger picture. Yet you downplay those that have the sense and conviction to try and fight for some sort of standard. Sigh....


Lol at "people like me". Fuck it me and you are getting nowhere. Stay mad ill play this awesome looking game that has only been getting good press where it counts the most the gameplay. 

@ Bolded, you are lol its bleeding from each and every post you make about the subject. 

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If I was M$, I would pay them to gimp the PS4 version. Just because I CAN


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

at least you get the game unlike Wii U only owners.




30fps because PS4 CPU is "maxed". 900p for res parity to stop the debates and stuff. See you can have your cake and eat it too. Even if it's full'o'shit.

So if they maxed both consoles properly Xb one would be 900p@60fps* and PS4 would be 1080p@30 fps. Clearly Xb one version would be superior because fps>>resolution.

*Actually probably only 40fps, given the Xb one CPU is only marginally stronger, or so I'm told.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


binary solo said:
30fps because PS4 CPU is "maxed". 900p for res parity to stop the debates and stuff. See you can have your cake and eat it too. Even if it's full'o'shit.

So if they maxed both consoles properly Xb one would be 900p@60fps* and PS4 would be 1080p@30 fps. Clearly Xb one version would be superior because fps>>resolution.

*Actually probably only 40fps, given the Xb one CPU is only marginally stronger, or so I'm told.


Actually, benchmarks suggest it's the other way round. 

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pokoko said:
The policy going forward for game studios should be to never let their developers talk to the press. They aren't trained for it, they don't understand that people are just looking to be offended if at all possible. Seriously, the gaming community has a high number of entitled baby-heads that will fly into an outrage over anything. Simply don't give them the chance. If you say something incorrect, you will NEVER be able to clarify or take it back. It's impossible. It will always, always be met with "YOUDFSDFL YOU LIE YOU LIE OMG BOYCOTT." The truth doesn't matter because the worst will always be the one that's believed.

It's sad but I think we're headed for a period where we only get official PR. I hate that but, in an outrage culture like ours, it makes sense.

The alternative is to actually train developers in what they can say and what topics to avoid. This should be part of any modern game developer. People want to have information directly from game developers who have proper technical knowledge, but they still need to be trained and the company needs to have proper policies in place to ensure they don't come out with something stupid.

Lul, I can smell the damage control, even up here in Norway. But as Bananaking said, bullshit. Ofcourse they did.

I swear these big companies think we're stupid. First they say something, then the next moment they suddenly didn't mean it and instead just 'chose their words poorly'. Yeah right, I don't think it's humanly possible to choose your words that poorly without meaning it.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you take your fuck-ups on the Wii U and extend it to PS4 and XBOne as well.

Bravo, Ubisoft, you're screwed on the three current-gen console platforms now.



Cue the fanboy bs " ubi lying dumbasses " blah blah yaaaaawwwwnnnnn