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pokoko said:
The policy going forward for game studios should be to never let their developers talk to the press. They aren't trained for it, they don't understand that people are just looking to be offended if at all possible. Seriously, the gaming community has a high number of entitled baby-heads that will fly into an outrage over anything. Simply don't give them the chance. If you say something incorrect, you will NEVER be able to clarify or take it back. It's impossible. It will always, always be met with "YOUDFSDFL YOU LIE YOU LIE OMG BOYCOTT." The truth doesn't matter because the worst will always be the one that's believed.

It's sad but I think we're headed for a period where we only get official PR. I hate that but, in an outrage culture like ours, it makes sense.

The alternative is to actually train developers in what they can say and what topics to avoid. This should be part of any modern game developer. People want to have information directly from game developers who have proper technical knowledge, but they still need to be trained and the company needs to have proper policies in place to ensure they don't come out with something stupid.