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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 doesn't have multiple languages on 1 disc.......

Everyone, including naysayers. Read and be happy

That post just sources back to the exact same page as the one posted here earlier. Until I see the place in the interview text where this "50gb" number originated, I'm still working from the assumption that this news is being grossly distorted and blown out of proportion.

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starcraft said:

Sorry Bmaker11, your threads been trumped by one with a little more sense.

It's all PR and ego from Kojima.

Thanks for playing.

That was low. Bmaker called you out and instead of an apology or a proper response you make fun of his whole thread. A thread in which you participated in and contributed to. Very mature.

oliist said:
FFXIII=thirteen DVD Discs for 360 in 2015 confirmed ;)


Moneybags said:
starcraft said:

Sorry Bmaker11, your threads been trumped by one with a little more sense.

It's all PR and ego from Kojima.

Thanks for playing.


That was low. Bmaker called you out and instead of an apology or a proper response you make fun of his whole thread. A thread in which you participated in and contributed to. Very mature.

Er, where and when did Bmake11 call me out?  And what would I apologise for.  The simple fact is people posting in this thread have been far too willing to accept that MGS4 HAD TO BE over twice the size of any other PS3 game, whilst people in the other thread acknowledge the marketing attraction of Kojima's statements.


Btw, when does your following me go from flattering to creepy? lol 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

halil23 said:
Hey! starcraft the trollcraft! Read the topic category - Sony Discussion. So Sony hater, what are you doing here! LEAVE

This is getting old halil23.  Seriously, what did I say that was trollish or hateful?  I know that logic sucks if your console is coming last, but the PS3 has started doing ok these days, so not all logic has to be treated as evil anymore. 

Calm down and understand that logic isn't trolling, logic is your friend.

Thanks for playing. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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halil23 said:
starcraft said:
halil23 said:
Hey! starcraft the trollcraft! Read the topic category - Sony Discussion. So Sony hater, what are you doing here! LEAVE

This is getting old halil23. Seriously, what did I say that was trollish or hateful? I know that logic sucks if your console is coming last, but the PS3 has started doing ok these days, so not all logic has to be treated as evil anymore.

Calm down and understand that logic isn't trolling, logic is your friend.

Thanks for playing.

I'm like what, 100th guy to say you're a troll, yet you keep defending! When are you going to admit you're insanity tolling! All I'm asking is for you to leave anything that relale to Sony amd stick with M$. And if you do what I hope trolls should do then thanks for playing!!!


BTW you're logic = epic fail.

The only people that call me a troll are you, moneybags and DmeisterJ.  All the others are just newbie Sony fanboys with less than 100 posts.

Reasonable Sony fans like makingmusic and others acknowledge that I'm not a troll, you just don't like that there is generally just as many logical possibilities that go against Sony as there are that support the company.

I intend to post in all the forums into the future, as I am here to discuss gaming.  If you are here to discuss only the PS3, and wish to here only good things about the console, however illogical they may be, try the below site or go work for Sony, I hear they are recruiting.

And once again, thanks for playing. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I do not care what disc it is on. The only thing I need is the language that I speak. MGS4 is going to be great.


not what I wanted it to turn into........

um How has starcraft trolled? honestly it does not make since, 25gb is enormous. if it took more than 50 gigs well unless the game is 50 hours i just cant see where that goes. what could you get for the same space.... final cut studio... any of the adobe suites, 5 games on to dvd, 10-12 hours 1080p uncompressed video, 28 days worth of lossless music, 35,000 8mp raw pics.

really unless they are duplitcating data to reduce load times to make up for the slower blue ray discs, and to remove need for an install what are they doing...

MG online, that cant take up that much space either... unless there are 100s of maps, or the maps are the size of small cities with completly destructable terrain..

I dont doubt the game will be a hit, or that it will be loved by millions, its a series with lots of fans, but I feel this might be like fable, lair, and so many other games, promise the world, and then come up short... not even deliver everything promised... im looking at you fable... better have all of the stuff this time

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

One thing I know about starcraft is that he knows how to derail a thread. Go ahead, check out his posts in Sony and MS threads. He defends and praises everything MS while undermining everything Sony.

The thing is is that you can never look at one post(even thread sometimes) and determine "this guy is definitly a troll". It's more that you read his comments and you start to see a definite pattern that is what I stated above.

I'm going to make an understatement and say that he doesn't like Sony as much as MS. There is nothing really wrong with this it's just that when your bias shows it makes it hard for a fair disscussion. To make matters worse he won't admit that he prefers MS(something that even GGE will do).

If there is a thread with good PS3 news he does everything he can to put a negative spin or undermine it. And when people respond his post become confrontational and start looking like something off of gameFAQs. Reasoning with this guy is abosutely pointless.

Favorite starcraft quote: "look at xbox v. ps2 and now ps3 compared to 360. Pretty pathetic for Sony,"

@starcraft: your a clown bro, and it's hard for people to take you seriously anymore.