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One thing I know about starcraft is that he knows how to derail a thread. Go ahead, check out his posts in Sony and MS threads. He defends and praises everything MS while undermining everything Sony.

The thing is is that you can never look at one post(even thread sometimes) and determine "this guy is definitly a troll". It's more that you read his comments and you start to see a definite pattern that is what I stated above.

I'm going to make an understatement and say that he doesn't like Sony as much as MS. There is nothing really wrong with this it's just that when your bias shows it makes it hard for a fair disscussion. To make matters worse he won't admit that he prefers MS(something that even GGE will do).

If there is a thread with good PS3 news he does everything he can to put a negative spin or undermine it. And when people respond his post become confrontational and start looking like something off of gameFAQs. Reasoning with this guy is abosutely pointless.

Favorite starcraft quote: "look at xbox v. ps2 and now ps3 compared to 360. Pretty pathetic for Sony,"

@starcraft: your a clown bro, and it's hard for people to take you seriously anymore.