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um How has starcraft trolled? honestly it does not make since, 25gb is enormous. if it took more than 50 gigs well unless the game is 50 hours i just cant see where that goes. what could you get for the same space.... final cut studio... any of the adobe suites, 5 games on to dvd, 10-12 hours 1080p uncompressed video, 28 days worth of lossless music, 35,000 8mp raw pics.

really unless they are duplitcating data to reduce load times to make up for the slower blue ray discs, and to remove need for an install what are they doing...

MG online, that cant take up that much space either... unless there are 100s of maps, or the maps are the size of small cities with completly destructable terrain..

I dont doubt the game will be a hit, or that it will be loved by millions, its a series with lots of fans, but I feel this might be like fable, lair, and so many other games, promise the world, and then come up short... not even deliver everything promised... im looking at you fable... better have all of the stuff this time

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog