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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 doesn't have multiple languages on 1 disc.......

It'd be nice to know how he's having to sacrifice -- it's really hard to believe that with an install and a 50GB disc he's somehow crippled.

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Moneybags said:
One thing I know about starcraft is that he knows how to derail a thread. Go ahead, check out his posts in Sony and MS threads. He defends and praises everything MS while undermining everything Sony.

The thing is is that you can never look at one post(even thread sometimes) and determine "this guy is definitly a troll". It's more that you read his comments and you start to see a definite pattern that is what I stated above.

I'm going to make an understatement and say that he doesn't like Sony as much as MS. There is nothing really wrong with this it's just that when your bias shows it makes it hard for a fair disscussion. To make matters worse he won't admit that he prefers MS(something that even GGE will do).

If there is a thread with good PS3 news he does everything he can to put a negative spin or undermine it. And when people respond his post become confrontational and start looking like something off of gameFAQs. Reasoning with this guy is abosutely pointless.

Favorite starcraft quote: "look at xbox v. ps2 and now ps3 compared to 360. Pretty pathetic for Sony,"

@starcraft: your a clown bro, and it's hard for people to take you seriously anymore.

IF you'd like to go through my posting history, or perhaps ask someone that's been here a little longer than you, you'll find that I REGULARLY state that I prefer the Xbox 360 to the Playstation 3.  Like most regular internet goers, I have no love for Microsoft as a company, or Sony for that matter.

Rather than just giving a vague, "go ahead, check out his history," why don't you explain what exactly I have said that upsets you?  As for the one quote (which may be mine I can't recall) that you have taken, from a business standpoint would you not agree that the 360 has been financially superior for MS compared to the Xbox, and the PS3 financially inferior to the runaway success that was the PS2 for Sony?

I might add that it was me who STARTED the thread about Rrod at GDC, which flys in the face of your "always praising 360" er.....logic.  And then of course there is you, who adamantly declares that you want little to do with the Microsoft forums before turning up five minutes after me in each and every thread to scream TROLL or FANBOY without any regard to what I have or have not said.

I on the other hand, will go to any forum on this site, as I am here to discuss gaming with people who have a miriad of opinions.  If you prefer a situation in which people ONLY discuss the PS3 to the detriment of ALL other consoles, I suggest you follow halil, hus and clue3 to this site:

Thanks for playing.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Words of Wisdom:

Noticing the way others respond to you will help you understand yourself.

iron_megalith said:
oliist said:
FFXIII=thirteen DVD Discs for 360 in 2015 confirmed ;)


So according to your sig, MGS4 will take up 4 Blu-Rays, right?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
halil23 said:

Thanks for posting that, you just exploit your true self; a sad xbox fanboy lier! Half of the threads I see you arguing with countless vgchartz members, yet you're saying only 3 people called you a troll.....QFT!

And read moneybag post for more info about yourself Sony hater, and she's got evidence too! Unlike you, claiming you got logics. I call it BS logics.

Oh yeah I'm no Sony fanboy, I like Ninty too.


That link!!! No thanks, I don't need your link, cause I'm no bias like you but here's for you.

I'm sure you would make lots of crazy xbox fanboy friends. Good luck ;)

I pray to God you go there and never come back


Wow.  Just wow.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
halil23 said:

Thanks for posting that, you just exploit your true self; a sad xbox fanboy lier! Half of the threads I see you arguing with countless vgchartz members, yet you're saying only 3 people called you a troll.....QFT!

And read moneybag post for more info about yourself Sony hater, and she's got evidence too! Unlike you, claiming you got logics. I call it BS logics.

Oh yeah I'm no Sony fanboy, I like Ninty too.


That link!!! No thanks, I don't need your link, cause I'm no bias like you but here's for you.

I'm sure you would make lots of crazy xbox fanboy friends. Good luck ;)

I pray to God you go there and never come back">


Wow.  Just wow.

totally agree, some awesome advice.

glad to see we all see eye to eye.

Well if all you need to avoid being a fanboy is to "like ninty too," then I guess i'm no fanboy. I've owned three consoles in my life, an Xbox 360, a Wii and an N64.

Of course I also have the fact that my posts are overwhelmingly logic-based and don't accuse people of being sad liars to ground me solidly in the land of non-fanboy posters. And of course, I don't need to pray to god that no one criticizes my console of choice in order to maintain my sanity.

Seriously mate, if your asking god to spare you from people that don't believe the sun shines out of the PS3's disk drive, your beyond being a fanboy, and should seek professional assistance immediately.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Serious question for Starcraft:

As an up and coming, intelligent young man put on this world to flourish and enjoy all the pleasures of life while being created equal to all his fellow man why on Earth are your facts and logic constanly refuted by others? Why are you always in constant stuggle; battling up and down across these sacred boards of vgchartz? Why do your words of wisdom fall on deaf ears then turn to flames?
It would seem that mere disscussion is what these men seek but when from your lips you speak they are driven to more than a simple critique.

Answer these wisely my friend for the true heart of a man can be found among his words. Words of self righteousness, scorn and mockery lead to that of a fool's while futher questions, silent retreat and hiding to a coward's; ahhh, but the words of sincerity, humility,simplicity and honesty will reveal, as through the clearest of windows, a noble man, wise and of good stature. Fully deserving respect and the listening ears of others.

You must ponder these things awhile first, Craft. The answers may not be as easy as you may think...

Moneybags said:
Serious question for Starcraft:

As an up and coming, intelligent young man put on this world to flourish and enjoy all the pleasures of life while being created equal to all his fellow man why on Earth are your facts and logic constanly refuted by others? Why are you always in constant stuggle; battling up and down across these sacred boards of vgchartz? Why do your words of wisdom fall on deaf ears then turn to flames?
It would seem that mere disscussion is what these men seek but when from your lips you speak they are driven to more than a simple critique.

Answer these wisely my friend for the true heart of a man can be found among his words. Words of self righteousness, scorn and mockery lead to that of a fool's while futher questions, silent retreat and hiding to a coward's; ahhh, but the words of sincerity, humility,simplicity and honesty will reveal, as through the clearest of windows, a noble man, wise and of good stature. Fully deserving respect and the listening ears of others.

You must ponder these things awhile first, Craft. The answers may not be as easy as you may think...

I suspect that my logic is regularly refuted by others because discussion involves mutual communication.  It is my recognition of this that prevents me from lashing out at those who simply disagree with my opinions.  It is regrettable that a few members of these boards, fortunately a minority, do not extend to me, or others, the same courtesy.

Early on in VGChartz life there was a small contingent of hardcore supporters representing one of the gaming industry's consoles (I leave it to you to speculate on which console I refer too) who vigorously, and unfortunately viciously defended that console's interests with little rationality.  Fortunately they quickly settled down to become well-meaning and pleasant additions to VGC's "sacred boards."  

As time wore on however, the console in question started to make something of a modest comeback.  Fortunately, the console's original supporters maintained their composure (for the most part) however VGC was suddenly inundated with a small, yet apparantly unstable group of fanatics, who seem to have smelled the blood of victory on behalf of their console.

What motivates their viciousness and instability remains unclear, but they do not maintain that admirable composure that their more seasoned counterparts are capable of.  Regretably, they regularly take to personal, cruel and unfounded attacks to try and demonise those that see the realities of the console war more clearly than they do.

There is always room for discussion and opinion on VGC, but one can only hope these recent additions to our prestigious boards can quickly find the composure that most of their fellow console supporters are capable of.  Apparantly more than their VGC memberships are at stake, as one member of this vicious contingent recently resorted to asking God for my removal, so that his opinions may stand unchallenged.  I have come to fear not only for these young men's console, but their very mental wellbeing.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

That VGC history lesson was free folks. Together, we strive forward to expand on that history. May our hallowed website's future be free of such petty turmoil and vicious envy.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS