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Serious question for Starcraft:

As an up and coming, intelligent young man put on this world to flourish and enjoy all the pleasures of life while being created equal to all his fellow man why on Earth are your facts and logic constanly refuted by others? Why are you always in constant stuggle; battling up and down across these sacred boards of vgchartz? Why do your words of wisdom fall on deaf ears then turn to flames?
It would seem that mere disscussion is what these men seek but when from your lips you speak they are driven to more than a simple critique.

Answer these wisely my friend for the true heart of a man can be found among his words. Words of self righteousness, scorn and mockery lead to that of a fool's while futher questions, silent retreat and hiding to a coward's; ahhh, but the words of sincerity, humility,simplicity and honesty will reveal, as through the clearest of windows, a noble man, wise and of good stature. Fully deserving respect and the listening ears of others.

You must ponder these things awhile first, Craft. The answers may not be as easy as you may think...