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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is it logic to combine 3DS and N3DS sales ?


Logic to combine?

Yes 228 79.72%
No 36 12.59%
I don't realy konw 21 7.34%
Deeds said:
hsrob said:
Deeds said:
KylieDog said:
It's a new console, more power, exclusive games, backwards compatible. Except for some reason they didn't change the name.

Is in effect same as GC/Wii.

So the Gamecube sold 123 million units. There is no way the PS3 will catch that.

Well, seeing as each Wii is in fact two GameCubes stick together I think you need revise your figures.

Calm down man, I was just being facetious. Everyone knows the Wii is not a Gamecube and the ["new" 3DS] is not a new handheld.

:) I know.

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I think it would be embarrasing to the Vita if we separated it and the N3DS takes it over in lightning speed..
Think about the Vita's feelings..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

KylieDog said:
It's a new console, more power, exclusive games, backwards compatible. Except for some reason they didn't change the name.

Is in effect same as GC/Wii.

Wii brought with it a brand new control scheme (required).

Not the same as the optional control schemes slapped onto the N3DS.



It's not a new system so sales should be combined.

nanzano said:
If it is the case how and when do we decide to separate sales? Because HW improvement and exclusives are the main reasons imo, that is why I ask if it is logic to combine

By looking at how the company that makes it treats it.

Nintendo didn't consider the Gameboy Colour to be a different system from the Gameboy, just a variant. Same with DSi relative to DS. On the other hand, Nintendo treated the Gameboy Advance as a completely new system.

You might ask why they get to decide. It's not quite like that, though. Nintendo won't stop making 3DS titles because of New3DS, they'll just make it New3DS exclusive when the 3DS wouldn't be able to handle it - because the architecture is practically identical, they can do this, even if one is faster than the other. And Nintendo will advertise the systems alongside each other. For comparison, you never saw Sony advertise the PS2 and PS3 as alternatives to each other. When the PS3 came out, the only time they advertised for PS2 at all was including it when advertising games that were releasing on both systems.

So logically, if they're being sold as variants of the same system, then that's what they are, even if one is technically better in terms of hardware.

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I think the easiest way to tell us that they are getting the same firmware support.

I would be very interested to see the sales of both versions, to be honest.

Yeah, same system just that one is slightly faster and stronger, allowing it to handle slightly more taxing games. That's far from becoming a successor.

Yes. Since everyone treats the GBC as apart of the original GB line. I treated it as a new system. But whatever. The N3DS follows suit with that and the DSi.

Combining gives skewed results. The 3DS isn't anywhere close to being powerful enough to run Xenoblade Chronicles, so it's received more than a slight bump in in power. Nintendo has already stated they have more exclusives in development than Xenoblade, and whether these games are true exclusives or not, they're still games the 3DS won't have and won't be capable of.

The New 3DS is also mechanically different as well.  ZL and ZR plus the c stick.  The analog add on is available for the regular 3DS, but there's no add on for the ZL and ZR.