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is this a real moderation?

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gooch_destroyer said:
is this a real moderation?



Carl2291 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
is this a real moderation?


lol I thought so.

gooch_destroyer said:
is this a real moderation?

That moderation is as legit as this.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Wright said:

Maybe this has already been spoken here, but this was moderated...why, exactly?

Rule 8 part 3:

  • Do not post only that Item A sucks, or that Item B is better than Item C. Give reasons why, post links to documented problems, of screenshots, or whatever you can. Similarly, do not reply to other posters with "you're wrong", or worse, “you’re an idiot/troll/fanboy.” Explain why you disagree, and perhaps point to the correct answer.

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Smeags said:
Wright said:

Maybe this has already been spoken here, but this was moderated...why, exactly?

Rule 8 part 3:

  • Do not post only that Item A sucks, or that Item B is better than Item C. Give reasons why, post links to documented problems, of screenshots, or whatever you can. Similarly, do not reply to other posters with "you're wrong", or worse, “you’re an idiot/troll/fanboy.” Explain why you disagree, and perhaps point to the correct answer.

Thing is, he posted "Game is shit" as to explain why he considers the game doesn't deserve the sales. He's just not merely saying "Item A sucks".

Wright said:

Thing is, he posted "Game is shit" as to explain why he considers the game doesn't deserve the sales. He's just not merely saying "Item A sucks".

Directly saying that a game is shit is somewhat different to saying, for example, "I dont like it".


Wright said:

Thing is, he posted "Game is shit" as to explain why he considers the game doesn't deserve the sales. He's just not merely saying "Item A sucks".

Posting (game here) is shit/crap/sucks/etc., no matter what the context, without explaining why you think the game is shit, is grounds for moderation.

If he would have been more cordial about it, perhaps wording it like "I don't even think it's a good game. I don't think it deserves such sales" (which makes it more personal to him and not a mass negative generalization), then it wouldn't be a problem.

Carl2291 said:

Directly saying that a game is shit is somewhat different to saying, for example, "I dont like it".

Still, that's an explanation for what the dude previously wrote, not the point of the writer itself.


Even if that's too strong, a warning would have been better.

Smeags said:

Posting (game here) is shit/crap/sucks/etc., no matter what the context, without explaining why you think the game is shit, is grounds for moderation.

So, if someone makes a thread about Meme Run's trailer, and someone else say "Wow, this game is shit", that's moderable?