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Forums - Movies & TV - Anime Discussion - NARUTO series will END on 11/10, FINAL EPISODE on Shonen Jump.

One of the greatest long running cartoons of all time. I'll miss it.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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The Ninja World War Arc has been a giant disappointment and I'm not excited about the final fight either.

ktay95 said:

Good one Mohammad, Bleach apart of the big 3 =P

One Piece, Naruto and Bleach are the big 3, no?

Hiku said:

Not as bad as Bleach though, mind you.

You think Bleach is bad? ):

naruball said:
darkknightkryta said:
naruball said:
I'm a sad panda...

At least as far as I'm concerned they're ending it on a high note. Bleach was a bit painful to watch (fullbring saga).

I can see them continuing the series 10 years from now. Naruto is such a big franchise that there might be some spin-offs. I quite enjoyed the Rock Lee spin-off which I assume didn't do that well since it got cancelled.

IThough I'm not sad cause the story's terrible now.  

I'm really curious.What made it awful for you? Have you by any chance watched the latest episodes? I wasn't sure how I felt about this saga until certain characters started fighting together which would have never happened under different conditions. 

The 4 Hokage fighting together is simply epic to me. I really enjoyed Madara's and the first's storyline as well.  

Having said that, the Mecha naruto episodes were some of the worst I've ever seen. Not sure if it's the game developers' fault but it sure was absolutely ridiculous.

Where to begin?  They ruined Orochimaru and killed him way to early (With a whimper at that).  Naruto learning the wind Rasengan was pretty cool, but it was a double edged sword.  Instead of learning other wind based techniques, he would just use that.  The creativity was gone at that point.  They completely ruined Sasuke with his bullshit power ups.  At least with Naruto, the upgrade he worked towards was over powered but he had to work for it.  Sasuke just literally pulled shit out of his ass (Tobi made mention of this when Sasuke summoned a hawk out of nowhere).  What they should have done with Sasuke was finish up his arc early enough, none of this bullshit "Itachi is a hero" business.  Then have Sasuke fill in as the Vegeta/Hiei like character.  Plus with Itachi, they made it seem like his sharingan was possessing him (They even showed this a bit with Sasuke) and that was all abandoned, much like a lot of other plot points.  

Characters who had such fantastic build up in the last arc were just thrown away this arc except for Shikamaru.  They introduced characters (After pain) and did nothing with them except for one, the jounin from the rock village.  The genin they introduced from the Rock were never seen again and their female jounin was essentially killed in a stupid way (Being sealed in a pot?  Really?  The hell?).  

The other problem I had, was the way they OP'd the first and Madara.  They just threw the power levels from the first half away and went full retard with no explanation to anything.  The third fought both the second and the first at the same time.  Guess what?  They both would be dead if they weren't zombies since he blew their legs and arms off in their fight.  Plus what the first used against the third, his "Forbidden Techniques" were small ass trees.  Then they had Madara using the first's techinques building forests, and poison and shit; "Be careful this is the first's poison forest" or whatever Tsunade said.  Cause you know, we find out that the first was able to make bullshit forests NOW, not when he was actually fighting the last time we saw him.  The way they just pull shit out of their ass to explain stuff is a HUGE problem and goes against everything they set up in the first arc.  

The other problem is they'd build stuff up to nothing.  Like the crow that had what's his name's sharingan that came out to stop Itachi cause the writers (Yes, I'm saying writers at this point cause there's no way Kishimoto is writing this shit) didn't know what they were doing and built something up they shouldn't have.  Hell I'm still waiting for Naruto to use "that" technique that Jiraiya talked about back before Naruto went to fight Orochimaru, cause you know, they never actually said what that technique was if they ever showed it.  

Even when Madara was fighting the 5 shadows, there's no way he would or should have won.  Know why?  Cause the third was better than both him and the first and the third wouldn't have been able to beat the 5 shadows.  Yet Madara DESTROYED them.  Not even Pain using zombies was able to beat Naruto, and would have lost to Jiraiya if Jiraiya had better insight to the rinnegan.  Another problem, bullshit eye techniques.  ENOUGH OF THEM.  Tsunade even got a power up from Dan (Which again built to nothing), didn't help.  And now that I got reminded, Asuma died a stupid and pointless death that I felt was forced to get some kind of emotion.  I mean, only Shikamaru benefitted from it.  Not Choji especially not Ino (Which goes back to my problems about not using characters).  Lastly, strategy was gone.  The thing that made Naruto so great, was no matter how much bullshit power a character had, they ALWAYS lost to strategy.  This is what made Naruto interesting.  Since, even as weak as Naruto is, he always had a strategy.  He was always thinking of the next move.  What happened this time?  Power up, power up, power up, he look I can through fire balls now and cause huge explosions.  

To sum it all up my issues are as follows: 1. Butchering of characters.  2. Power levels make no sense 3.  Sasuke's arc should have tied up after Itachi, if not he should have been killed early on.  4.  Strategy should never have been replaced with "power".  Overall the second half was filled with sloppy writing and had to throw bullshit together to explain their plot holes.  P.S. I stopped watching Naruto anime after Sauske left, and I stopped watching Shippuden before the first set of fillers started.  I read through, every issue of the story via manga.

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Ka-pi96 said:
MohammadBadir said:

One Piece, Naruto and Bleach are the big 3, no?

Well... were. Naruto is gonna get replaced now

I wonder what's gonna take its place.

Fairy Tail? :P
If those sources are true, Naruto's gonna continue XP

My thoughts on how it will end. They will fight it out big time and use some nice moves. Then Naruto will "lost"/"give up" and tell Sasuke that that he won't fight him anymore and will use his most powerful move the "talk no jutsu" Sasuke will have flashbacks about Itachi and cry or something then will NOT kill Naruto and they will go from there!

Sad it is coming to an end though!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Hiku said:
MohammadBadir said:

Hiku said:

Not as bad as Bleach though, mind you.

You think Bleach is bad? ):

Sadly I do, since around the time of the Huelco mundo arc. (: Before that, I loved it. It's gotten as bit weird too, with "childrens games becoming reality" and bones turning into cookies, etc.
I keep reading it though, since I've gotten so far, might as well see it through to the end, I keep thinking.
Before it ends, I had hoped to see Yoruichi's Bankai. Although I realised recently that it would have meant a lot more to me if I saw it years ago. =/

That sucks!

I personally see the HM arc as the series lowpoint, because it dragged on too long.

The 1000 Year Blood War arc is amazing IMO though, much better than the HM arc, and very close to the SS arc. I do agree that the SS was Bleach's peak though, but hopefully this last arc end the series with a bang.

Things like Isshin/Masaki's past, Hollow Ichigo and Zangetsu's origin, the Quincies, etc. are really well done IMO. But there are a few oddballs (Why does Pepe fucking exist).

Though one thing I find a lot of people to agree on is that Kubo makes tons of great characters. Maybe Bleach doesn't have the best character development (Looking at you Inoue -.-), or the best plot progression, but it definetely has the best characters of any Anime/Manga I've seen so far.

ils411 said:
NiKKoM said:
ils411 said:
NiKKoM said:
Don't worry with Dragon Ball Z we'll get 100's of videogames in the next 20 years...

Unggh...please no....

Every new gen has to relive the Freeza Saga! i have been playing that since Dragon Ball Z on the famicom:

Nyahahahaha! Damn! that brings back memories..DBZ, DBZII, DBZIII, DBZhypersomething....and it goes on and on and on lol! 

I remember playing that and not knowing what the frap was going on coz i couldn't read nor do i understand japanese. 

HYPER DIMENSION! I have almst all the FC SFC DB/Z games lol. And yeah. The games will be pumping out forever. No matter how low they get in quality.

Naruto's been utter trash since the time skip. The story would have been so much better if Naruto actually grew up mentally and realized people can only be redeemed if they want to. Look at Darth Vader, he was redeemed because he wanted redemption.

You rooted for Naruto because he was young, foolish, and innocent. Then Naruto grew up, and didn't change, so you root against him for the same reasons. It's sad because I used to really like Naruto.

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata