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Hiku said:
MohammadBadir said:

Hiku said:

Not as bad as Bleach though, mind you.

You think Bleach is bad? ):

Sadly I do, since around the time of the Huelco mundo arc. (: Before that, I loved it. It's gotten as bit weird too, with "childrens games becoming reality" and bones turning into cookies, etc.
I keep reading it though, since I've gotten so far, might as well see it through to the end, I keep thinking.
Before it ends, I had hoped to see Yoruichi's Bankai. Although I realised recently that it would have meant a lot more to me if I saw it years ago. =/

That sucks!

I personally see the HM arc as the series lowpoint, because it dragged on too long.

The 1000 Year Blood War arc is amazing IMO though, much better than the HM arc, and very close to the SS arc. I do agree that the SS was Bleach's peak though, but hopefully this last arc end the series with a bang.

Things like Isshin/Masaki's past, Hollow Ichigo and Zangetsu's origin, the Quincies, etc. are really well done IMO. But there are a few oddballs (Why does Pepe fucking exist).

Though one thing I find a lot of people to agree on is that Kubo makes tons of great characters. Maybe Bleach doesn't have the best character development (Looking at you Inoue -.-), or the best plot progression, but it definetely has the best characters of any Anime/Manga I've seen so far.