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Forums - Movies & TV - Anime Discussion - NARUTO series will END on 11/10, FINAL EPISODE on Shonen Jump.

There shouldn't have been Obito. Pain should have been the final villain. The series was amazing before the Obito bullshit.

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Talal said:
There shouldn't have been Obito. Pain should have been the final villain. The series was amazing before the Obito bullshit.

*Possibly a Spoiler ahead*

Yeah I kind of agree, Pain was way better than Obito. Even if Pain had just stayed a villian instead of ending up as a good guy I would still like him

ils411 said:
arcane_chaos said:
damn so many mangas have been ending these past couple of years; just had HSDK and Claymore end this month(still pissed of about the HSDK ending)

Yeah, HSDK's ending was a major bummer. Claymore's ending wasn't that great either. I'm kinda sand that both ended but at the same time, i'm reliefed that both ended already as both of thier last arcs sucked. 

Hopefully Naruto raps things up better...I wouldn't mind Naruto allowing Saskue to kill him or something like fact, that would be great. Or Naruto transfers all his chakra to Saskue and Saskue becomes hokage...or long as Sakura gets the shaft I'm good. 

I've been hoping beyond all hope that another season or two of the Claymore anime gets picked up. I really enjoyed it and was miffed that it was one of those series that got cut off abruptly because it got produced far too early in the manga's run. I really want to follow Claymore and see what happens after the battle in that snowy town (can't remember the name), but I'm just not a manga reader.

Oh, and this:

" Hope Sakura dies, or at least gets ditched by both Naruto and Sasuke. I'd rather they both confess their manlove with each other than see Sakura with one of them."

You are a man after my own heart. That, or my hatred for Sakura burns so intensely that it is causing me to have strong homosexual feelings for any other carbon-based life form within vicinity... Where's Rolstoppable...

MohammadBadir said:
Turkish said:
So only One Piece will remain of the big 3.

One Piece will still air well into the 2020s lol, considering it just passed 50 percent of the story.

Bleach is still not over though.

The Anime's on hiatus, sure, but the Manga is still ongoing, albeit it's in its Final arc.

Bleach is animation is set to continue once the Final arc is over.

Good one Mohammad, Bleach apart of the big 3 =P

Finally. This story became such a massive piece of garbage since the Pain arc.

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osed125 said:

So he will finally become king of the pirates?

I dont see why not as Luffy is finally the Hokage :P

daredevil.shark said:
Slade6alpha said:
Damn... so no part 3?

Part 3 will be coming though. Saw some concept arts of adult naruto and others. Shocking part was adult shikamaru wearing sand village armor.

I think wat you saw was the final movie bro :-/

Arkaign said:
I hope someone makes a condensed version. I really enjoyed most of the first 60 eps or so, but it just seemed to drag out infinitely with more and more filler. It feels like the entire story could honestly fill about 3 hours with all of the needless fapping about cut away.

Although a "Naruto Kai" is much needed (the entire series might be 100 episodes if you cut out all the filler and flashbacks), this might help you or anyone looking to at least avoid fillers:

naruball said:
darkknightkryta said:
naruball said:
I'm a sad panda...

At least as far as I'm concerned they're ending it on a high note. Bleach was a bit painful to watch (fullbring saga).

I can see them continuing the series 10 years from now. Naruto is such a big franchise that there might be some spin-offs. I quite enjoyed the Rock Lee spin-off which I assume didn't do that well since it got cancelled.

IThough I'm not sad cause the story's terrible now.  

I'm really curious.What made it awful for you? Have you by any chance watched the latest episodes? I wasn't sure how I felt about this saga until certain characters started fighting together which would have never happened under different conditions. 

The 4 Hokage fighting together is simply epic to me. I really enjoyed Madara's and the first's storyline as well.  

Having said that, the Mecha naruto episodes were some of the worst I've ever seen. Not sure if it's the game developers' fault but it sure was absolutely ridiculous.

Mecha Naruto episodes > 95 percent of the trash during those two straight years of bullshit that Part 1 ended on. Seriously, there were episodes about chef ninjas and dog walking, and Naruto's answer to EVERYTHING was "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!!!" spam.

I don't know whether to feel pride or shame in saying I've punished myself into watching every episode of Naruto, parts 1 and 2. Every single one. So while I will be somewhat sad that a series that has ran on for more than a third of my life is ending, a big part of me can't wait to free up that slot for attention for better anime in the future. There have been some fantastic highs, but there have been way too many rock-bottom, scraping the septic tank lows.

I began watching Yu Yu Hakusho again a couple of weeks ago, for the first time in about a decade (now that I think about it, about the same time I began watching Naruto...). If you have never seen it, I strongly recommend it. It's another longrunner, but the plot moves along at a breakneck pace compared to the Big 3. I'm about 67 episodes in, and so far I can only recall one single episode of filler, and that was really more like a necessary breather after the climax of a major arc. My appreciation for it has grown tremendously after 10 years of bullshit from InuYasha, Naruto, and especially Bleach.

It really makes me realize how I lowered my standards after being trained to suffer through so much crap from these longrunners over the years. After Naruto, I will never wait on a weekly longrunner of their ilk again. There is way too much content with much better writing and progression out there that can be enjoyed in far less time.