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I don't know whether to feel pride or shame in saying I've punished myself into watching every episode of Naruto, parts 1 and 2. Every single one. So while I will be somewhat sad that a series that has ran on for more than a third of my life is ending, a big part of me can't wait to free up that slot for attention for better anime in the future. There have been some fantastic highs, but there have been way too many rock-bottom, scraping the septic tank lows.

I began watching Yu Yu Hakusho again a couple of weeks ago, for the first time in about a decade (now that I think about it, about the same time I began watching Naruto...). If you have never seen it, I strongly recommend it. It's another longrunner, but the plot moves along at a breakneck pace compared to the Big 3. I'm about 67 episodes in, and so far I can only recall one single episode of filler, and that was really more like a necessary breather after the climax of a major arc. My appreciation for it has grown tremendously after 10 years of bullshit from InuYasha, Naruto, and especially Bleach.

It really makes me realize how I lowered my standards after being trained to suffer through so much crap from these longrunners over the years. After Naruto, I will never wait on a weekly longrunner of their ilk again. There is way too much content with much better writing and progression out there that can be enjoyed in far less time.