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Forums - Sales Discussion - DriveClub vs Forza Horizon 2 (XBO) (FW Sales) - Results In!


Which Will Sell More

DriveClub > Forza Horizon 2 332 49.92%
Forza Horizon 2 > DriveClub 187 28.12%
Nearly Dead Even 40 6.02%
See Results 104 15.64%

No surprise. A game with access to 10 million gamers and sold worldwide compared to a game released for only 5 million gamers (not including 360) and limited to specific countries. I see FH2 outselling DC in the long run.

Around the Network
CosmicSex said:

This is pretty straight forward.  Which will have the higher first week sales (WW).  Driveclub, a new IP or Forza Horizon 2 (XBO), an established IP. 

Forza-Metacritic = 86

DriveClub Metacritic = 71

Please give reasons for your predictions.   Also include how you think DriveClub will fair against FH2 (XBO + 360) if you would like.


EDIT: Preorders (According to VGC)

DriveClub - 97,949

Forza Horizon 2 - NA (never charted)


Results ARE IN! Added 10/23/2014

Forza Horizon 2 FW  - 237,177

DriveClub FW - 357,755

Winner : DriveClub by 120,578 units


Extra: USA FW Sales:

Forza Horizon 2 - 100,197

DriveClub - 145,789

Winner :DriveClub by 45,592


Thanks all for contribiting to this topic and poll!

I can't believe people thing DC is better!

super6646 said:

I can't believe people thing DC is better!

This wasn't about proving which was better, it was a simple sales forecast.  It may have very well sold more if it had better reviews, but that is beyond the scope of this thread's OP :) 


Also, votes are still coming in... I don't know if you should tell them or I should, but it is possible to get the answer right with 100% accuracy....

3 things are at play (my guess):
1. Lots of PS users contributed to DC sales
2. DC was released in a lot more territories and bundles
3. Lets just say majority of Xbox one owners didnt buy that console for forza, period (Look at Halo:MCC position in amazon to compare, a game that isnt even out yet)

DriveClub is the only racer this year for the PS4
The PS4 has 12+ Million Users
Horizon 2 was never that loved and has just 5-6 Million possible customers while it isn't a system seller at the same time.

Don't know why anyone would think otherwise.
This is why its good to have a big community...Shovelware sold that good on the PS1+PS2 cause of the Userbase.Out of 100 Million people at least a couple will buy the game no matter how bad it is(DriveClub is godly).
Its better for developers if there is a 1 Console Generation especially if their product is an unsafe bet.

Around the Network

Forza Horizon 2 was the better performer with a higher attach rate. Driveclub should be selling 2 times as many copies as FH2 considering the PS4's install base is 2x larger.

super6646 said:

I can't believe people thing DC is better!

i can't believe people couldn't accept others to have their own prefered games...


Pocky Lover Boy! 

shogunknight said:

1. Lots of PS users contributed to DC sales

Yeh don't say...!

super6646 said:

I can't believe people thing DC is better!

Well Forza is clearly the better game, Driveclub just had a 11+ million userbase compared to 6 million on Xbox. Not making an excuse just a fact.