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Forums - Sales Discussion - DriveClub vs Forza Horizon 2 (XBO) (FW Sales) - Results In!


Which Will Sell More

DriveClub > Forza Horizon 2 332 49.92%
Forza Horizon 2 > DriveClub 187 28.12%
Nearly Dead Even 40 6.02%
See Results 104 15.64%
kowenicki said:
No idea, but playstation owners need a driving game so....

I suspect Horizon will be the better game though. (according to metaritic)

Kowen wins the thread

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KLAMarine said:

Did OP count X360 sales of the new Forza? According to VGChartz, combined Forza outsold DriveClub.

   "Also include how you think DriveClub will fair against FH2 (XBO + 360) if you would like." - From OP

Yes in the OP I did mention the X360 but NO ONE chose to even mention it.  At all.  Sometimes I even wonder if people read OPs... after all, how could you ask this question if you had read it yourself? 

So a game that will have a free version still sold more? PS4 is really on a roll here.

Ka-pi96 said:
Brutalyst said:
Any one good at math who can work out the attach rate in percentage?

i.e. if theres 20 million PS4's out there and it sold 2 million DC = 10% users bought it

Im crap at math...


Driveclub was bought by 3.04% of PS4 owners in it's first week

Forza Horizon 2 was bought by 4.07% of Xbox One owners in it's first week

Interesting, and thanks

So though the PS4 sold more copies of DC, taking into account the number of console owners who bought one or the other it could be argued Forza did sell better.

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.

Ernest Hemmingway

Brutalyst said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Brutalyst said:
Any one good at math who can work out the attach rate in percentage?

i.e. if theres 20 million PS4's out there and it sold 2 million DC = 10% users bought it

Im crap at math...


Driveclub was bought by 3.04% of PS4 owners in it's first week

Forza Horizon 2 was bought by 4.07% of Xbox One owners in it's first week

Interesting, and thanks

So though the PS4 sold more copies of DC, taking into account the number of console owners who bought one or the other it could be argued Forza did sell better.

Not really, the smaller the user base the higher attach ratios always are.  As user base grows its becomes tree branches where users vary differently and buy their type of preffered genres and avoid others.  Its why Halo can sale 8m on a 24million user base while selling 10/11 on a 80 million one.   For the most part attach ratios are agruments of the lesser sellers supporter, irrelevent to anyone else.  

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im willing to bet driveclub is over tracked

Don't forget that the full edition when you have PS+ is only €40 in Europe. A lot of people having PS+ have done that, considering also the PS+ version is still not released.

It could have sold a lot more if you counted those digital copies.

Finally, the game deserves much more that its metacritic score just with the Single player which worked perfectly at launch. The game is fun, the handling of the cars is really great and the graphics are really something else, very atmospheric.

I still don't understand some reviews and the logic behing the low scores. Like the non-open world argument, Forza 5 and Grid 2 too were not open world but not a word on that and it was never a problem in those games. But only for Driveclub, this non-open world argument were in many (low) reviews.

Id imagine Forza Horizon will sell more lifetime. Its at 440k right now with great reviews. As always forza will most likely have strong legs like every other Forza game where as driveclub has been met with lukewarm reviews and server problems that are second to none. So id imagine Driveclub will struggle to have strong legs which racing games need.  Then again its also one of the only racing games right now, so that may not matter at all.  Id imagine both will sell pretty well throughout this holiday.

Good numbers for both though. All things considered, more people will be picking up both as the holiday goes by


JayWood2010 said:

Id imagine Forza Horizon will sell more lifetime. Its at 440k right now with great reviews. As always forza will most likely have strong legs like every other Forza game where as driveclub has been met with lukewarm reviews and server problems that are second to none. So id imagine Driveclub will struggle to have strong legs which racing games need.  Then again its also one of the only racing games right now, so that may not matter at all.  Id imagine both will sell pretty well throughout this holiday.

Good numbers for both though. All things considered, more people will be picking up both as the holiday goes by

I imagine DC will have great legs. Word of mouth is great, there will be a huge update in December, free version is still to come and there is a lot of free DLC coming. Also with The crew there will be 3 open world racers on XB1, still only 1 track racer on ps4.

SvennoJ said:
JayWood2010 said:


I imagine DC will have great legs. Word of mouth is great, there will be a huge update in December, free version is still to come and there is a lot of free DLC coming. Also with The crew there will be 3 open world racers on XB1, still only 1 track racer on ps4.

I havent heard much good to be honest.  Ive seen a few updates on the servers and polygon lowering its score, but that doesnt make me right either. The PS+ version should boost it a little bit, plus holidays will be good for it.  

Didnt The Crew get delayed til next year?  For some reason i thought it did, but i may be mistaken.  Maybe that was Project Cars that got delayed