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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny (PS4) outsells Mario Kart 8 in less then 2 weeks.

Ka-pi96 said:
bobfulci said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Do you mean actually outsell Destiny? Or just the PS4 version?

The PS4 version. But who knows? I am a fan of both Sony and Nintendo but I definitely see what Nintendo means when they refer to some of their big titles as "evergreens." They just keep growing and growing, albeit slowly sometimes.

Don't all games technically do that though?

Some games do but it seems like Nintendo titles have a stronger-than-usual ability to keep selling in good numbers long after the initial release date

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An over hyped Craptivision funded casual mainstream dude bro Call of Gears of Halo type online shooter selling more that a good niche VIDEO GAME call me shocked.


Mario Kart 8 will still be 59.99 in a month when Destiny is another 19.99 has been selling used at Gamestop for $4.

exdeath said:
An over hyped Craptivision funded casual mainstream dude bro Call of Gears of Halo type online shooter selling more that a good niche VIDEO GAME call me shocked.

First time I've heard someone call Mario Kart niche

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

MDX said:
teigaga said:


As of 20th september global update;

Destiny PS4: 2,972,777

Mario Kart 8: 2,672,546

If you asked me back in March I would have said Mario Kart 8 and Titanfall will be the years highest selling single platform gamea. Colour me surprised... Next week it will overtake watchdogs.


Great for Destiny and Sony, but I dont see the point of the comparison.  Even if MK8 would have

better lifetime sales in the end.  What's the relevance?


They are not the same genre, one game is exclusive, the other is not.  

People forget that many of these big sellers are multi-plats, and they tend to have the benefit of

being marketed to different audiences across different platforms that help generate excitement. 

So Destiny was discussed on Xbox and Sony forums, magazines, ads, etc. It got more exposure because of it.

Mario Kart 8 only had Nintendo. 


And even though many copies were sold on the Sony console,

did Sony make as much money on it as Nintendo did with their sales of Mario Kart?




This is just an acknowledge of an impressive sales feat, if you check the OP I also mention titanfall and Watchdogs PS4. Nothing against Mario Kart, just weighing previous expectations against whats occuring currently ;)

Many people would now say this was obviously gonna happen one being multiplat so more coverage etc, but if this convo was going on back in march the tone would be V different. 

Fusioncode said:
exdeath said:
An over hyped Craptivision funded casual mainstream dude bro Call of Gears of Halo type online shooter selling more that a good niche VIDEO GAME call me shocked.

First time I've heard someone call Mario Kart niche

Well Nintendo in general is still pretty niche, sticking to their roots with the original video game playing target audience while everyone else is busy trying to make realistic reality simulators and cater to the mainstream.


The fun I have playing Borderlands is much different than the fun I have playing Nintendo games.


The Nintendo games remind me of NES, SNES , just pure no excuses fun, and why I started playing video games in the first place.

Nintendo's market is the people today who would have bought a NES, whereas your typical flavor of the month realistic online shooter player would have ignored NES as a nerdy kids toy and only plays video games now because they are cool.  But only cool mature games of course. 


Hard to explain, it's just gamers vs casuals.  


In that context yeah Nintendo games as a whole are niche.  Your average I have every version of call of duty player today (eg 90% of the market) would not buy Mario kart or anything that might be associated with "kiddy".

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8 million or more is my bet for mk8 lifetime sales.

toot1231 said:
bubblegamer said:
spemanig said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Makes sense for a better game to sell more

Destiny is barely even a good game, let alone a better game than Mario Kart 8.

I dunno. Destiny may not be a great game, but it's certainly better than MK8. Most gamers don't even like Mario.

Not to be rude but, this is hands down one of the dumbest statements i've seen on this site.

This is not a rude statement, this is an estute observation and appropriate comment on your part.  

The "most gamers don't like Mario" is just a troll trying to get Nintendo fans riled up.  As I posted in the other Destiny thread, i have played over 60 hours of Destiny and continue to play it to this day, but basically every iteration of Mario short of "Hotel" is leagues better then Bungies latest offering.

Ka-pi96 said:
fleischr said:
Ka-pi96 said:
fleischr said:
Destiny is terribly frontloaded though.

MK is the very definition of gaming sales legs. Years from now, MK8 will have outsold Destiny PS4 by roughly a 2:1 margin. (MK8 12-14 million, Destiny PS4 6-7 million)

With the Wii Us current sales momentum I don't think that is even possible.

It will end up near 30 million. This year's holiday will push it past 10 million, next year's near 20 million, then coast towards 30 in it's final years.  a 40%+ attach rate isn't unreasonable for MK8

So it takes 2 full years (maybe even more) to get the first 10 million, but you think it can get the 2nd 10 million within 1 year?

It'll probably actually be well past 10 million by the end of this year. We're only beginning the Wii U's peak period.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

teigaga said:


As of 20th september global update;

Destiny PS4: 2,972,777

Mario Kart 8: 2,672,546

If you asked me back in March I would have said Mario Kart 8 and Titanfall will be the years highest selling single platform gamea. Colour me surprised... Next week it will overtake watchdogs.

That VGChartz Number is WAAAAAY off what the actual sales number is for MK8. We don't even have official Nintendo numbers

One game will have 75% of it's total sales within the first 3 months after that it will be sold at max 19$... the other will sell for years and years at ordinary price 49$ over and over again... yeah nice clickbait thread.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints