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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do You Still Think Wii U is Going to Outsell the Xbox One this Holiday?


Who Will Sell more?

Wii U 460 66.86%
Xbox One 228 33.14%

There are new FW and Zero999 alts in several threads now, please report them as they show up (they're not that hard to spot).

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amak11 said:
DerNebel said:

And as has been shown these past couple weeks, non first party titles can never boost a system, nobody would ever buy a console for a big third party game.

Also Nintendo has exclusives lined up, great here's what they have:

HW: will do close to nothing

Bayo 2: will do close to nothing

Toads thingamabob: will do close to nothing

Fatal Frame in JP: will do close to nothing

Smash: will definitely sell systems

Sonic: will do close to nothing

That's it I believe

OT: Question before I vote in the poll, is the Wii U leading by a large percentage once again?

You don't know this, no one does. Nintendo gamers are whores for exclusive and you know this. Smash is about the only correct thing you said. 

HW: Hasn't had a major test in North America. 

Bayo 2: Will see a slight bump due to extra added value

Captain Toad: I know many people who want this and are using it and Smash as a tipping point to by a Wii U. The game by itself is not going to dent hard, although it is a fleshed out game starring toad

Fatal Frame: Will boost Japanese sales of Wii Us again, still hoping on a NA/EU release. 

Sonic: Something different, from the creative minds of ex Naughty Dog team members whom worked on Jak and Daxter. 

HW: What hasn't had a major test in NA, Zelda or DW? They both had and I'm easily willing to bet that this game will not produce a boost higher than 10k (which is already extremely generous) first week. That is what I consider close to nothing.

Bayo 2: Already looking to become a pretty big flop in Japan, it won't do anything for hardware there. The west will probably be similar, again 10k boost max.

Toad: Same as above. 10k max, though it will look like more possibly cause of the holiday release, what the game will actually do will be hard to measure. Though the later European release will be more telling I guess.

Fatal Frame: Extremely niche series, will give a tiny boost in Japan, nothing in the west, if it even releases here.

Sonic: You forgot to mention that it looks utterly horrible. Anyway Sonic is not a system seller, less than 10k again.

And just voted in the poll, about 72% said Wii U, wow classic vgchartz.

Mummelmann said:
There are new FW and Zero999 alts in several threads now, please report them as they show up (they're not that hard to spot).

I reported another one that I'm pretty sure is an alt but nothing happened, did my alt sensor fail or what?

DerNebel said:
Mummelmann said:
There are new FW and Zero999 alts in several threads now, please report them as they show up (they're not that hard to spot).

I reported another one that I'm pretty sure is an alt but nothing happened, did my alt sensor fail or what?

Not sure, was playing BF4 for some time there... :P

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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The Xbox One will probably sell more unless Nintendo gets a big help from Japan.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

I think it's going to be close. Smash Bros. is a system seller. They get that out in time for Christmas and it will move a ton of new consoles. Bayonetta 2 also has a lot of hype and will sell a lot of copies, though it won't have that big of an impact on console sales.

Halo would also be considered a system seller, but I doubt how much a remastered collection will do. Halo 5 isn't coming until next year, so I'm not expecting a huge bump for the Master Chief Collection. Xbone really doesn't have any big games this Christmas. Sunset Overdrive is more of a mid-tier game. Forza Horizon isn't going to sell consoles because Forza diehards already purchased it for Forza 5 last year.

i think WIi U can do it by a HAIR. I think Smash is a little bit bigger than some believe despite it also being on 3ds. Yes one has big games but alot are also on a more popular system and even PC. And i dont see Halo collection being that big

I own Wii-U and not an Xbone but even I lol'd at these results. Seriously people. The Xbone is going to bone the Wii-U this holiday, at least sales wise.

Is this another one of those "globally in the US" things?

Globally, i think Wii U will probably sell better. In the US, X1 will probably sell better.