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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What About A Nintendo + Microsoft Alliance

Soundwave said:
bubblegamer said:
Goatseye said:
The best of the East teaming with the best of the West.
I'm Xbox first but Nintendo console is the best complementary system for Xbox.
If you have Mario and Master Chief, you have it all.

Then why are most customers ignoring both and going for the PS4? Some people have a problem distinguishing their own opinions/tastes from that of the rest!

Mario, Halo, Zelda, Pokemon, Gears of War, Smash Bros., Forza, Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong Country, Sunset Overdrive, Banjo-Kazooie, Fable, Killer Instinct, Metroid exclusive


Uncharted, Last of Us, Until Dawn, Kara, God Of War, Gran Turismo, The Order, Killzone, Infamous, Ratchet Et Clank, Jak And Daxter, The Tomorrow Childrens, Rime, Wild, Bloodborne exclusive,...

Third Party Support: Equal or perhaps even edge Nintendo/MS with continuing relationships for things like Monster Hunter exclusivisty and Call of Duty DLC. 

Marketing Dollars: Equal or advantage Nintendo/MS, they simply combined have far more money than Sony does. 

Lets see how Sony does now. Quite frankly I like Nintendo/MS' chances. 

Like he said, some people should distinguish their opinion from the reality.


And i dont think that would change PS4 domination anyway but of course, together, they could make a console with 2 times more sales.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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nintendo first Party games exclusive on xbox one would be megatron

imho they should do that.

still running the handheld Business by theire own
but dont build another home console.

what do they get in return?
Server infrastructure, help for development and all profits as Publisher and no game royalties

what will they loose? Profits form home console Hardware sales. but they dont even have that right now.




the reason why they not should do it with sony (even if sony would cut the royalties, too) and have much bigger sales on a bigger installbase:

it would be the end for xbox and ps get a monopoly. and after that happend, sony will try to change contracts to get royalties or say we wont offer ur games on our console anymore.


so either way ms exclusive, or third party on both.

exclusive on ps would be cutting in the own flesh

Does anyone know if Nintendo has a buy-out defense in place?

prinz_valium said:

nintendo first Party games exclusive on xbox one would be megatron

imho they should do that.

still running the handheld Business by theire own
but dont build another home console.

what do they get in return?
Server infrastructure, help for development and all profits as Publisher and no game royalties

what will they loose? Profits form home console Hardware sales. but they dont even have that right now.


Nintendo could also act as a huge second party just like the Pokemon Company and GameFreak is to Nintendo. This way Nintendo can make whatever games they were going to make if they still had a game system and Microsoft would always let Nintendo know what kind of development kit the Xbox has and how to use it.

In fact, Nintendo can still make their weaker console that is the $250 price as long as it uses the agreed Xbox/Nintendo controller and the games are easy to port for the Xbox machine. This way, consumers with limited money can buy the cheaper Nintendo box if they can't buy the $400+ Xbox console.

In the perfect world, though: Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony will do well and would not have to merge/buy each other.

prinz_valium said:

nintendo first Party games exclusive on xbox one would be megatron

imho they should do that.

still running the handheld Business by theire own
but dont build another home console.

what do they get in return?
Server infrastructure, help for development and all profits as Publisher and no game royalties

what will they loose? Profits form home console Hardware sales. but they dont even have that right now.




the reason why they not should do it with sony (even if sony would cut the royalties, too) and have much bigger sales on a bigger installbase:

it would be the end for xbox and ps get a monopoly. and after that happend, sony will try to change contracts to get royalties or say we wont offer ur games on our console anymore.


so either way ms exclusive, or third party on both.

exclusive on ps would be cutting in the own flesh

What? Why would they do that? If Nintendo became an exclusive publisher/developer for Sony why wouldn't they just set up the deal like they would with anyone else?

Also, both Sony and Nintendo have handhelds which would be pretty easy to intergrate. How cool would a 3DS with remote play be?

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Around the Network
t3mporary_126 said:
prinz_valium said:

nintendo first Party games exclusive on xbox one would be megatron

imho they should do that.

still running the handheld Business by theire own
but dont build another home console.

what do they get in return?
Server infrastructure, help for development and all profits as Publisher and no game royalties

what will they loose? Profits form home console Hardware sales. but they dont even have that right now.


Nintendo could also act as a huge second party just like the Pokemon Company and GameFreak is to Nintendo. This way Nintendo can make whatever games they were going to make if they still had a game system and Microsoft would always let Nintendo know what kind of development kit the Xbox has and how to use it.

In fact, Nintendo can still make their weaker console that is the $250 price as long as it uses the agreed Xbox/Nintendo controller and the games are easy to port for the Xbox machine. This way, consumers with limited money can buy the cheaper Nintendo box if they can't buy the $400+ Xbox console.

hmm yeah. not the worst idea. would benefit nintendo the most

would benefit ms a bit less than full exculsivity. but they would probably do it nevertheless


the question ist, if the would break even in that case with theire hardware. because they will lose some sales. mainly the form the second or thid console audience.



but i still dont think this will ever happen.

ist just a nice tought :D

I guess others' opinion are more valuable than mine.
Nintendo is the best with Platformers, Family games, JRPGs, Kart Racing, etc... they're from the East.
Xbox is the best with Racing, FPS, TPS and would be in charge of Arcade games if the joint venture ever take off.

Seece said:
Normchacho said:
Seece said:
Normchacho said:
I fail to see the benefit for Nintendo here...why not just wait for MS to sputter out and stop making consoles? If things don't turn around for the One that's a real possibility.

Nintendo is a strong brand that has just lost focus. All they need to do is make sure they get the next console right (and keep the wiiU steady) and they'll be fine.

Xbox is a weak brand who's only major success game from big mistakes by Sony and focusing on just the US.

MS needs Nintendo way more than Nintendo need them and I think Nintendo knows it.

That's wrong tho. MS doesn't need videogames full stop, so if they were to pitter out they could just fesibly completely abandon the market or go third party happily. Not that I think Nintendo needs MS either, an alliance would certainly benefit Nintendo more however.

In fact I'm not really sure what it would offer MS?

Actually let me rephrase, Xbox needs Nintendo way more than Nintendo needs Xbox.

What can Xbox benefit from Nintendo's handheld business? Because MS console business is far more lucrative than Nintendo's right now! (More systems sold, more revenue streams)

More systems sold? You sure about that? On top of that hasn't the MS console business been mared by a lack of profits for like a decade now?

Xbox has things Nintendo could use for sure (infastructure, payed online et. ect.) but they don't need Xbox to add those things. But outside of the U.S. and the U.K. the Xbox brand is a death sentence.

Like I said all Nintendo needs to be sucessful is to keep enough desierable games coming out to keep the WiiU steady and make sure that they make less mistakes the next time out. For Xbox to be successful they need to keep at this tug of war with Sony over sales, and I'm sorry but unless Sony trips over it's own feet I just don't think that's a fight they can win.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Goatseye said:
I guess others' opinion are more valuable than mine.

This is what i think :

Nintendo is the best with Platformers, Family games, JRPGs, Kart Racing, etc... they're from the East.
Xbox is the best with Racing, FPS, TPS and would be in charge of Arcade games if the joint venture ever take off.

When you put your opinion as a fact, especially on such subjective topic, because you cant make the difference, yeah, it makes your opinion less valuable.


Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


prinz_valium said:
t3mporary_126 said:

Nintendo could also act as a huge second party just like the Pokemon Company and GameFreak is to Nintendo. This way Nintendo can make whatever games they were going to make if they still had a game system and Microsoft would always let Nintendo know what kind of development kit the Xbox has and how to use it.

In fact, Nintendo can still make their weaker console that is the $250 price as long as it uses the agreed Xbox/Nintendo controller and the games are easy to port for the Xbox machine. This way, consumers with limited money can buy the cheaper Nintendo box if they can't buy the $400+ Xbox console.

hmm yeah. not the worst idea. would benefit nintendo the most

would benefit ms a bit less than full exculsivity. but they would probably do it nevertheless


the question ist, if the would break even in that case with theire hardware. because they will lose some sales. mainly the form the second or thid console audience.



but i still dont think this will ever happen.

ist just a nice tought :D

If my idea ever happens, this set up should be fine. Think of the weak Nintendo console and stronger Xbox console as smartphones. The weaker Nintendo console will be like an iPhone 4 and the Xbox will be an iPhone 5. Plenty of people still buy the older iPhone model because its cheaper. Consumers will do the same for the weaker Nintendo system. And if they ever decide to upgrade, they can buy the new Xbox machine that will play all their weaker Nintendo games or trade them in for a discount for the Xbox version.