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Seece said:
Normchacho said:
Seece said:
Normchacho said:
I fail to see the benefit for Nintendo here...why not just wait for MS to sputter out and stop making consoles? If things don't turn around for the One that's a real possibility.

Nintendo is a strong brand that has just lost focus. All they need to do is make sure they get the next console right (and keep the wiiU steady) and they'll be fine.

Xbox is a weak brand who's only major success game from big mistakes by Sony and focusing on just the US.

MS needs Nintendo way more than Nintendo need them and I think Nintendo knows it.

That's wrong tho. MS doesn't need videogames full stop, so if they were to pitter out they could just fesibly completely abandon the market or go third party happily. Not that I think Nintendo needs MS either, an alliance would certainly benefit Nintendo more however.

In fact I'm not really sure what it would offer MS?

Actually let me rephrase, Xbox needs Nintendo way more than Nintendo needs Xbox.

What can Xbox benefit from Nintendo's handheld business? Because MS console business is far more lucrative than Nintendo's right now! (More systems sold, more revenue streams)

More systems sold? You sure about that? On top of that hasn't the MS console business been mared by a lack of profits for like a decade now?

Xbox has things Nintendo could use for sure (infastructure, payed online et. ect.) but they don't need Xbox to add those things. But outside of the U.S. and the U.K. the Xbox brand is a death sentence.

Like I said all Nintendo needs to be sucessful is to keep enough desierable games coming out to keep the WiiU steady and make sure that they make less mistakes the next time out. For Xbox to be successful they need to keep at this tug of war with Sony over sales, and I'm sorry but unless Sony trips over it's own feet I just don't think that's a fight they can win.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.