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Forums - Politics Discussion - Lazy Americans.....‘We’re a Movement Now': Fast Food Workers Strike in 150 Cities (edit) OP is poor, don't act like I am being all high and mighty!

Hoodieninja said:

1. It all depends but those prices shouldn't be very drastic, paying an extra 25 cents so somebody can earn 3 more dollars is a fair Increase. it doesn't screw everyone in fact RAISING the minimum has been proven to BOOST the economy is done properly.

2. They're much better than working at a Fast food restaurant that's for sure.

3. Again just because a job is Providing for Medical expenses doesn't mean it has to be a Career Job. Many first world countries provide very good Health-care. The U.S. system is by far the worst and we PAY more MONEY than any other country with LITTLE to NO BENEFIT.

1. How can it boost the economy when it can very well make people lose their jobs. Jobs often been cut because of wage increases and some businesses could potentially have to close because they can support the minimum wage. That would be pretty drastic but they would have to cut corners. They would have to increase the price of the fast food and that would make people come less to buy which then makes less profit with those higher wages. Economics!

You want to raise the minimum wage, that affects all wages. You don't understand. No skills, No education, No risk, No experience doesn't deserve the earning. If they don't want the jobs, they can quite and get another one. They are NOT FORCED to work those jobs. Because you don't  need anything to do the job means your easily replaceable. Your expendable. You couldn't be more so compared to any other job.

2. Much better? How would you know? I know from experience and they are!

3. This is the US so other countries don't apply. If you think we are the worst than go ask Canada which has free health care but many who often come here for healthcare.


Quote from McDonald's founder I found interesting...

The way we have tried to bring our employees together is to motivate them, since the fact is, they do need motivation. The way you motivate them is with wage and perks and things that you give them. You take all that away when the government forces people to increase the wages."

You want to be a Saint? Is that it because you can't increase wages without consequences. We all will be impacted and that includes every single thing from gas to a stupid candy bar. It is all looped together. Its easy playing the Saint.


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Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Keegs79 said:
Hoodieninja said:

1. It all depends but those prices shouldn't be very drastic, paying an extra 25 cents so somebody can earn 3 more dollars is a fair Increase. it doesn't screw everyone in fact RAISING the minimum has been proven to BOOST the economy is done properly.

2. They're much better than working at a Fast food restaurant that's for sure.

3. Again just because a job is Providing for Medical expenses doesn't mean it has to be a Career Job. Many first world countries provide very good Health-care. The U.S. system is by far the worst and we PAY more MONEY than any other country with LITTLE to NO BENEFIT.

1. How can it boost the economy when it can very well make people lose their jobs. Jobs often been cut because of wage increases and some businesses could potentially have to close because they can support the minimum wage. That would be pretty drastic but they would have to cut corners. They would have to increase the price of the fast food and that would make people come less to buy which then makes less profit with those higher wages. Economics!

You want to raise the minimum wage, that affects all wages. You don't understand. No skills, No education, No risk, No experience doesn't deserve the earning. If they don't want the jobs, they can quite and get another one. They are NOT FORCED to work those jobs. Because you don't  need anything to do the job means your easily replaceable. Your expendable. You couldn't be more so compared to any other job.

2. Much better? How would you know? I know from experience and they are!

3. This is the US so other countries don't apply. If you think we are the worst than go ask Canada which has free health care but many who often come here for healthcare.


Quote from McDonald's founder I found interesting...

The way we have tried to bring our employees together is to motivate them, since the fact is, they do need motivation. The way you motivate them is with wage and perks and things that you give them. You take all that away when the government forces people to increase the wages."

You want to be a Saint? Is that it because you can't increase wages without consequences. We all will be impacted and that includes every single thing from gas to a stupid candy bar. It is all looped together. Its easy playing the Saint.


1. You're talking about Absolutes. Again there's more than enough money to go around for those JOB makers Bush has been supposedly easing the RICHES burden for years. What you're talking about are Exceptions.

2. it doesn't take a Genuis to figure that out, they're is more than enough info on the internet about Navy Bootcamp and the Average pay they get Monthly and the benefits they get.

3. WRONG, only the rich come to the U.S. for Healthcare.

4. Again, even if you raise the MINIMUM it just means they'll be able to get more eventually ANYWAYS.

Again no, if that is the CASE than things SHOULD of stayed Stagnant, PRICES have been RIsing REGARDLESS of Minimum. Raising the Minimum doesn't automatically equate higher prices though it can. Again there is enough proof and Studies that when other First world countries RAISED the Minimum it BOOSTED the economy.

I worked in an office for 9 bucks/hour after I finished my bachelors....

now that I got my masters.... I feel like they don't deserve the money they are demanding.....

sure 7.50 is painful but if you think other place is paying better for your educational level, why don't you move to a place where grass is greener.


theprof00 said:
Mr Khan said:
Your compassion for your fellow man never ceases to amaze me, Spurge.

Says the guy who just killed a village full of townspeople

He died defending you, too. Miraculous seeing how much he seems to care here.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network
aikohualda said:
I worked in an office for 9 bucks/hour after I finished my bachelors....

now that I got my masters.... I feel like they don't deserve the money they are demanding.....

sure 7.50 is painful but if you think other place is paying better for your educational level, why don't you move to a place where grass is greener.


Hoodieninja said:

Well i'll say this, they're more issues in America to account for, there's more than enough money for those 1% "Job Makers" to provide jobs They have Billions stored with a Total combine of Trillions.

They should also have enough money to Increase Wages to ease the Burden on poorer and HARD working people. Increasing the MINIMUM won't solve EVERYTHING but if done properly can help boost the Economy.

If those job creators have enough positions filled to run their business efficiently and make a healthy profit then why do they need to hire more people? Increase wages? Sure. Give jobs for the sake of giving jobs? No. They are in no way obligated to do that just because they are successful business men and make cash hand over fist. To do that they need their business to grow. In the case of the company I work for that was by winning new contracts for new business.

What needs to happen is that we need to stop taxing companies so high so we could attract business to come to the US instead of trying to leave in order to get them lowered, like Burger King. They want to move to Canade because taxes are too high in the US for businesses. Now their workers want them to pay them double? Yeah, ain't happening.

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Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:

Well i'll say this, they're more issues in America to account for, there's more than enough money for those 1% "Job Makers" to provide jobs They have Billions stored with a Total combine of Trillions.

They should also have enough money to Increase Wages to ease the Burden on poorer and HARD working people. Increasing the MINIMUM won't solve EVERYTHING but if done properly can help boost the Economy.

If those job creators have enough positions filled to run their business efficiently and make a healthy profit then why do they need to hire more people? Increase wages? Sure. Give jobs for the sake of giving jobs? No. They are in no way obligated to do that just because they are successful business men and make cash hand over fist. To do that they need their business to grow. In the case of the company I work for that was by winning new contracts for new business.

What needs to happen is that we need to stop taxing companies so high so we could attract business to come to the US instead of trying to leave in order to get them lowered, like Burger King.

Actually this was the REASON why Bush cut taxes in the first to INCREASE and BOOST the economy so Job Creators can create more Jobs. You're right that they are in no way Obligated to do so, but it's the RIGHT thing to do which is why we decreased Taxes on the Rich.

Many companies already practice Loopholes it doesn't matter any way you put it. All they care about is earning a profit.

Actually Taxes have BEEN lowering for years if anything Taxes for companies and the RICH are much lower than in the 1950's.

The fact of the matter is, the Companies won't return regardless unless the Standards are the same as Chinese Factories.

Trickle Down Economics is the biggest load of BULL the Right Wingers have spread so the Rich can get even more money Faster.

Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

So what's the solution? Just start throwing bigger pay to unskilled workers? I'll be paying for that too.


You can't help everyone. It sucks but that is the truth.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

So what's the solution? Just start throwing bigger pay to unskilled workers? I'll be paying for that too.


You can't help everyone. It sucks but that is the truth.

Indeed, you can't help everyone.
There is no simple Solution, Minimum Wage only puts a Bandage on a situation that is getting worse.

What I do know is that America isn't really a Democracy anymore it's an Oligarchy.

They're needs to be balance, the BALANCE in america is Scaled toward the wealthy no matter how you look at it.