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Forums - Politics Discussion - Lazy Americans.....‘We’re a Movement Now': Fast Food Workers Strike in 150 Cities (edit) OP is poor, don't act like I am being all high and mighty!

Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:

Well i'll say this, they're more issues in America to account for, there's more than enough money for those 1% "Job Makers" to provide jobs They have Billions stored with a Total combine of Trillions.

They should also have enough money to Increase Wages to ease the Burden on poorer and HARD working people. Increasing the MINIMUM won't solve EVERYTHING but if done properly can help boost the Economy.

If those job creators have enough positions filled to run their business efficiently and make a healthy profit then why do they need to hire more people? Increase wages? Sure. Give jobs for the sake of giving jobs? No. They are in no way obligated to do that just because they are successful business men and make cash hand over fist. To do that they need their business to grow. In the case of the company I work for that was by winning new contracts for new business.

What needs to happen is that we need to stop taxing companies so high so we could attract business to come to the US instead of trying to leave in order to get them lowered, like Burger King.

Actually this was the REASON why Bush cut taxes in the first to INCREASE and BOOST the economy so Job Creators can create more Jobs. You're right that they are in no way Obligated to do so, but it's the RIGHT thing to do which is why we decreased Taxes on the Rich.

Many companies already practice Loopholes it doesn't matter any way you put it. All they care about is earning a profit.

Actually Taxes have BEEN lowering for years if anything Taxes for companies and the RICH are much lower than in the 1950's.

The fact of the matter is, the Companies won't return regardless unless the Standards are the same as Chinese Factories.

Trickle Down Economics is the biggest load of BULL the Right Wingers have spread so the Rich can get even more money Faster.

You don't just hire for the sake of hiring though. People aren't entitled to a job if the position isn't there to be filled.

We need to find ways to create new business. Find ways to bring manufacturing jobs back.


How? I have no clue. I am the wrong person to give an answer on that.

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Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:

Well i'll say this, they're more issues in America to account for, there's more than enough money for those 1% "Job Makers" to provide jobs They have Billions stored with a Total combine of Trillions.

They should also have enough money to Increase Wages to ease the Burden on poorer and HARD working people. Increasing the MINIMUM won't solve EVERYTHING but if done properly can help boost the Economy.

If those job creators have enough positions filled to run their business efficiently and make a healthy profit then why do they need to hire more people? Increase wages? Sure. Give jobs for the sake of giving jobs? No. They are in no way obligated to do that just because they are successful business men and make cash hand over fist. To do that they need their business to grow. In the case of the company I work for that was by winning new contracts for new business.

What needs to happen is that we need to stop taxing companies so high so we could attract business to come to the US instead of trying to leave in order to get them lowered, like Burger King.

Actually this was the REASON why Bush cut taxes in the first to INCREASE and BOOST the economy so Job Creators can create more Jobs. You're right that they are in no way Obligated to do so, but it's the RIGHT thing to do which is why we decreased Taxes on the Rich.

Many companies already practice Loopholes it doesn't matter any way you put it. All they care about is earning a profit.

Actually Taxes have BEEN lowering for years if anything Taxes for companies and the RICH are much lower than in the 1950's.

The fact of the matter is, the Companies won't return regardless unless the Standards are the same as Chinese Factories.

Trickle Down Economics is the biggest load of BULL the Right Wingers have spread so the Rich can get even more money Faster.

You don't just hire for the sake of hiring though. People aren't entitled to a job if the position isn't there to be filled.

We need to find ways to create new business. Find ways to bring manufacturing jobs back.


How? I have no clue. I am the wrong person to give an answer on that.

I agree, which is why Bush tax cuts didn't work, because it didn't create new jobs. People lied to US about how Tax Cuts can supposedly bring the economy back.

The problem is this, there's Absolutely no way to bring Manufacturing jobs back unless we bring back the same standards as of China.

I think we should stop Tax Loopholes. China's Labour issues are similar to how AMERICA's was back in the Industrial Age. the majority of Corporations really only care about earning profit.

Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

So what's the solution? Just start throwing bigger pay to unskilled workers? I'll be paying for that too.


You can't help everyone. It sucks but that is the truth.

Indeed, you can't help everyone.
There is no simple Solution, Minimum Wage only puts a Bandage on a situation that is getting worse.

What I do know is that America isn't really a Democracy anymore it's an Oligarchy.

They're needs to be balance, the BALANCE in america is Scaled toward the wealthy no matter how you look at it.

So what's the answer there? The rich, who built these businesses and made all this money have to start handing it out? Force them to overhire? Maybe raise their tax rates for their businesses? Then they will just hightail it out of the US and go somewhere with lower taxes.

I don't see why all the hate for the rich. We need to give them reason to invest in more business in the US, so we can create more jobs. 


Maybe i'm wrong here, but if we had more jobs and less people to fill those roles then maybe companies would start offering more money so they could attract these workers. 

I just think that constantly just applying a bandaid like a wage hike won't provide a long lasting solution. Costs will eventually rise and we will be back to square one. There has to be an answer here. We just have the wrong people working to figure it out.

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Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

So what's the solution? Just start throwing bigger pay to unskilled workers? I'll be paying for that too.


You can't help everyone. It sucks but that is the truth.

Indeed, you can't help everyone.
There is no simple Solution, Minimum Wage only puts a Bandage on a situation that is getting worse.

What I do know is that America isn't really a Democracy anymore it's an Oligarchy.

They're needs to be balance, the BALANCE in america is Scaled toward the wealthy no matter how you look at it.

1. So what's the answer there? The rich, who built these businesses and made all this money have to start handing it out?

2. I don't see why all the hate for the rich. We need to give them reason to invest in more business in the US, so we can create more jobs.


3. Maybe i'm wrong here, but if we had more jobs and less people to fill those roles then maybe companies would start offering more money so they could attract these workers. 

4. I just think that constantly just applying a bandaid like a wage hike won't provide a long lasting solution. Costs will eventually rise and we will be back to square one.

1. They can start by bringing jobs back to the U.S., Personally I don't know but I'll say this, in the 1950's a Factory job can pay for your entire family and live a Middle Class Life.

2. We already do, the problem is that the RICH also store a ton of money. It is said that the Rich store Billions to Trillions in the Banks. The majority of the Rich don't spend enough money. They also lied to us and said they would create more Jobs when Bush tax cuts were Enacted, if you look at the Numbers TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS does not work.

3. honestly IDK, what I do know is that many Laws in the U.S. are catered toward the Rich, not the poor. If you look at the Alchohol industry you'll see how unfair it is to the small buisnesses.

4. I agree, but it can also help boost the economy. I personally don't know how to solve it Long Term but I do know that the Rich control much of the U.S. including the politicians they can easily Lobby politicians, Companies spend a lot of money on Lobbyists to scale Law's in their Favour but the problem is that it's for them, not the benefit for everybody else.

So working 2 jobs 60 hours a week is now the definition of lazy. Hell i must be comatose because i only have one job and work 40 hours a week. Just lucky it pays over $120k i guess.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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So what if people ask for a pay increase? what does it matter to you? Please explain it to me how its going to adversly affect anyone of you?

Hoodieninja said:

1. They can start by bringing jobs back to the U.S., Personally I don't know but I'll say this, in the 1950's a Factory job can pay for your entire family and live a Middle Class Life.

2. We already do, the problem is that the RICH also store a ton of money. It is said that the Rich store Billions to Trillions in the Banks. The majority of the Rich don't spend enough money. They also lied to us and said they would create more Jobs when Bush tax cuts were Enacted, if you look at the Numbers TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS does not work.

3. honestly IDK, what I do know is that many Laws in the U.S. are catered toward the Rich, not the poor. If you look at the Alchohol industry you'll see how unfair it is to the small buisnesses.

4. I agree, but it can also help boost the economy. I personally don't know how to solve it Long Term but I do know that the Rich control much of the U.S. including the politicians they can easily Lobby politicians, Companies spend a lot of money on Lobbyists to scale Law's in their Favour but the problem is that it's for them, not the benefit for everybody else.

Yeah, it seemed things were nice back in the 50s. Much more simple.

Don't even get me started about the alcohol industry. Here on Long Island we had out own brewery called Bluepoint, now they are being swallowed up by Anheuser-Busch...

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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The way that American society is set up as it is will always have a pool of unemployed people who, from generally what I've seen, don't have a job due to being lazy. Whether it's from drug use, lack of motivation, drinking etc, most of these problems are things that can be fixed by that person. With that said, I do think that fast food/restaurant workers deserve a higher base pay but definitely not $15 an hour.

Let's be realistic - Most of us here have done this kind of work before and while it may be fast paced and stressful, it's definitely not difficult. There's almost no risk of injury, you're basically working in a clean environment and there's very minor physical labor involved.

Im employed by a non union contractor doing all sorts of various trade work where we're ALWAYS on our feet doing remodel/renovation. I only make $15 hour and I'll be damned if someone else starts receiving that kind of pay flipping a fucking hamburger or taking out a trash bag.

Shadow1980 said:
Way to stereotype workers in low-wage jobs as lazy shiftless bums who made poor life choices. For the majority of Americans, these type of jobs are often the only thing that is available. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how hard you work or how good your life choices are. You can bust your ass your whole life and still be struggling, living paycheck to paycheck. There's only so many jobs that pay $50k a year ($50k being the median household income, meaning half of all households earn less that that; 30% of American households earn less than $30,000 a year, while 15% of the population lives below the poverty line). There's even fewer jobs that pay, say, $75k a year and even fewer than that with six-figure salaries. There are 144 million workers in the U.S. right now. 25% of them earn less than $10 an hour.

The minimum wage in 1968 was $1.60 an hour. Adjusted for inflation, it's the equivalent of $10.95/hour in 2014 dollars. If the MW kept pace with productivity, then it would be over $16/hour by now. Real GDP per capita has steadily increased over the past 40+ years, yet household incomes for all but the top quintile have remained stagnant, and the MW has been trending downwards, with its 2006 worth being the lowest since 1949. Most income gains have gone to the top earners, and the U.S. has the higher income inequality than almost any other OECD nation (only Mexico, Turkey, and Chile have a higher Gini coefficient). Many of the dire warnings opponents of increasing the MW are issuing are based on a shaky foundation. The minimum wage correlates poorly with and has never been causally linked to significant increases in unemployment. Increases in unemployment are always correlated with economic recessions. Increases in the MW have not been demonstrated to be a causal factor in any recession. Increases in the MW have also never been demonstrated to cause spikes in the cost of consumer goods. If the economy and society could deal with the equivalent of an $11/hour MW 46 years ago, then they can now despite all protestations to the contrary from right-libertarians, supply-sider conservatives, Austrian schoolers, Objectivists, and anyone who's fallen prey to the Horatio Alger delusion.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Excellent post, I could be wrong about how the minimum wage bandaids the Economy. Anyways you're definately right about one thing. The Minimum Wage did not scale properly at all.

Euphoria14 said:
Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

So what's the solution? Just start throwing bigger pay to unskilled workers? I'll be paying for that too.


You can't help everyone. It sucks but that is the truth.

Marginal propensity to consume is what makes the magic happen there. The poor, being given more money, will spend it. It's a small price to pay in the short run to make us all better off.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.