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Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

Fun things about economics. Right now there are fewer job openings than there are unemployed (that's not counting the folks that gave up and left the job market altogether). If a wizard raised aloft his staff of power and sent every job-seeker to the right geographical location, there STILL wouldn't be enough jobs for people.

So, no. "searched like a fiend" worked for YOU. It CANNOT work for the market as a whole. We need to make sure everyone can earn a good living because if they can't, guess what? You're paying for them anyway.

So what's the solution? Just start throwing bigger pay to unskilled workers? I'll be paying for that too.


You can't help everyone. It sucks but that is the truth.

Indeed, you can't help everyone.
There is no simple Solution, Minimum Wage only puts a Bandage on a situation that is getting worse.

What I do know is that America isn't really a Democracy anymore it's an Oligarchy.

They're needs to be balance, the BALANCE in america is Scaled toward the wealthy no matter how you look at it.

So what's the answer there? The rich, who built these businesses and made all this money have to start handing it out? Force them to overhire? Maybe raise their tax rates for their businesses? Then they will just hightail it out of the US and go somewhere with lower taxes.

I don't see why all the hate for the rich. We need to give them reason to invest in more business in the US, so we can create more jobs. 


Maybe i'm wrong here, but if we had more jobs and less people to fill those roles then maybe companies would start offering more money so they could attract these workers. 

I just think that constantly just applying a bandaid like a wage hike won't provide a long lasting solution. Costs will eventually rise and we will be back to square one. There has to be an answer here. We just have the wrong people working to figure it out.

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