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The way that American society is set up as it is will always have a pool of unemployed people who, from generally what I've seen, don't have a job due to being lazy. Whether it's from drug use, lack of motivation, drinking etc, most of these problems are things that can be fixed by that person. With that said, I do think that fast food/restaurant workers deserve a higher base pay but definitely not $15 an hour.

Let's be realistic - Most of us here have done this kind of work before and while it may be fast paced and stressful, it's definitely not difficult. There's almost no risk of injury, you're basically working in a clean environment and there's very minor physical labor involved.

Im employed by a non union contractor doing all sorts of various trade work where we're ALWAYS on our feet doing remodel/renovation. I only make $15 hour and I'll be damned if someone else starts receiving that kind of pay flipping a fucking hamburger or taking out a trash bag.