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Hoodieninja said:

1. They can start by bringing jobs back to the U.S., Personally I don't know but I'll say this, in the 1950's a Factory job can pay for your entire family and live a Middle Class Life.

2. We already do, the problem is that the RICH also store a ton of money. It is said that the Rich store Billions to Trillions in the Banks. The majority of the Rich don't spend enough money. They also lied to us and said they would create more Jobs when Bush tax cuts were Enacted, if you look at the Numbers TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS does not work.

3. honestly IDK, what I do know is that many Laws in the U.S. are catered toward the Rich, not the poor. If you look at the Alchohol industry you'll see how unfair it is to the small buisnesses.

4. I agree, but it can also help boost the economy. I personally don't know how to solve it Long Term but I do know that the Rich control much of the U.S. including the politicians they can easily Lobby politicians, Companies spend a lot of money on Lobbyists to scale Law's in their Favour but the problem is that it's for them, not the benefit for everybody else.

Yeah, it seemed things were nice back in the 50s. Much more simple.

Don't even get me started about the alcohol industry. Here on Long Island we had out own brewery called Bluepoint, now they are being swallowed up by Anheuser-Busch...

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