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Keegs79 said:
Hoodieninja said:

1. It all depends but those prices shouldn't be very drastic, paying an extra 25 cents so somebody can earn 3 more dollars is a fair Increase. it doesn't screw everyone in fact RAISING the minimum has been proven to BOOST the economy is done properly.

2. They're much better than working at a Fast food restaurant that's for sure.

3. Again just because a job is Providing for Medical expenses doesn't mean it has to be a Career Job. Many first world countries provide very good Health-care. The U.S. system is by far the worst and we PAY more MONEY than any other country with LITTLE to NO BENEFIT.

1. How can it boost the economy when it can very well make people lose their jobs. Jobs often been cut because of wage increases and some businesses could potentially have to close because they can support the minimum wage. That would be pretty drastic but they would have to cut corners. They would have to increase the price of the fast food and that would make people come less to buy which then makes less profit with those higher wages. Economics!

You want to raise the minimum wage, that affects all wages. You don't understand. No skills, No education, No risk, No experience doesn't deserve the earning. If they don't want the jobs, they can quite and get another one. They are NOT FORCED to work those jobs. Because you don't  need anything to do the job means your easily replaceable. Your expendable. You couldn't be more so compared to any other job.

2. Much better? How would you know? I know from experience and they are!

3. This is the US so other countries don't apply. If you think we are the worst than go ask Canada which has free health care but many who often come here for healthcare.


Quote from McDonald's founder I found interesting...

The way we have tried to bring our employees together is to motivate them, since the fact is, they do need motivation. The way you motivate them is with wage and perks and things that you give them. You take all that away when the government forces people to increase the wages."

You want to be a Saint? Is that it because you can't increase wages without consequences. We all will be impacted and that includes every single thing from gas to a stupid candy bar. It is all looped together. Its easy playing the Saint.


1. You're talking about Absolutes. Again there's more than enough money to go around for those JOB makers Bush has been supposedly easing the RICHES burden for years. What you're talking about are Exceptions.

2. it doesn't take a Genuis to figure that out, they're is more than enough info on the internet about Navy Bootcamp and the Average pay they get Monthly and the benefits they get.

3. WRONG, only the rich come to the U.S. for Healthcare.

4. Again, even if you raise the MINIMUM it just means they'll be able to get more eventually ANYWAYS.

Again no, if that is the CASE than things SHOULD of stayed Stagnant, PRICES have been RIsing REGARDLESS of Minimum. Raising the Minimum doesn't automatically equate higher prices though it can. Again there is enough proof and Studies that when other First world countries RAISED the Minimum it BOOSTED the economy.