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Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:

Well i'll say this, they're more issues in America to account for, there's more than enough money for those 1% "Job Makers" to provide jobs They have Billions stored with a Total combine of Trillions.

They should also have enough money to Increase Wages to ease the Burden on poorer and HARD working people. Increasing the MINIMUM won't solve EVERYTHING but if done properly can help boost the Economy.

If those job creators have enough positions filled to run their business efficiently and make a healthy profit then why do they need to hire more people? Increase wages? Sure. Give jobs for the sake of giving jobs? No. They are in no way obligated to do that just because they are successful business men and make cash hand over fist. To do that they need their business to grow. In the case of the company I work for that was by winning new contracts for new business.

What needs to happen is that we need to stop taxing companies so high so we could attract business to come to the US instead of trying to leave in order to get them lowered, like Burger King.

Actually this was the REASON why Bush cut taxes in the first to INCREASE and BOOST the economy so Job Creators can create more Jobs. You're right that they are in no way Obligated to do so, but it's the RIGHT thing to do which is why we decreased Taxes on the Rich.

Many companies already practice Loopholes it doesn't matter any way you put it. All they care about is earning a profit.

Actually Taxes have BEEN lowering for years if anything Taxes for companies and the RICH are much lower than in the 1950's.

The fact of the matter is, the Companies won't return regardless unless the Standards are the same as Chinese Factories.

Trickle Down Economics is the biggest load of BULL the Right Wingers have spread so the Rich can get even more money Faster.