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Forums - Politics Discussion - Lazy Americans.....‘We’re a Movement Now': Fast Food Workers Strike in 150 Cities (edit) OP is poor, don't act like I am being all high and mighty!

spurgeonryan said:



Agreed. Bussing tables, Delivering pizza, being a waiter all bring in bank! I was making nearly 20 dollars an hour as a busser alone. Cash was the best because that was hard for the government to tax. As a waiter I could bring in close to 300 dollars a day at the fine dining restaurant I worked at.


Just more excuses. Show you are a hard worker, and people will hire you or keep you on. You do not have to be super smart to bus tables.

I was making more money biasing tables than a general manager at a fast food restaurant! Sure I wasn't doing more work than them but these people are lazy for not getting an education! Erm...ugh I didn't get one either but I found a job for less work and more money! Be like me and find a better job!

Disgusting at people with the mentality that they're better than these people. "They're just fast food people they don't deserve better treatment. They should get paid unliveable wages as a punishmeht for not going to college. Like I did." Its disgusting. What you don't realize is that these corporations are making massive profits and the gap between rich and poor is only being stretched. We're all humans what makes you think you're superior because you make more money and went to college?

Just because someone is an adult working that job doesn't mean its there fault. The economy sucks its not as easy as "find a new job and stop being lazy". Jobs aren't fucking hiring shit isn't that simple. It took me two years to find a second job and I only got it because I knew someone and I applied every where. I'm willing to bet I work my ass off physically more than the majority people calling fast food workers lazy. Having a job that pays low wages == lazy.


I'm done with you and your silly logic considered yourself on the ignore list. 

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Mr Khan said:
Nymeria said:
I fully sympathize with people working and struggling to me ends meet. The one question I have is when they say they have a child or even multiple children in their 20s. I am closing in on 30 and am in a position where having a child would be manageable financially. Thus far have elected not as want to as want to be in a position can provide for a child. 10 years ago would have been a disaster for me and any professional aspirations I had. Even 5 years ago would have been a major challenge. Is it cold to say most people should put off having kids until they get into their 30s?

It's tricky because the side of the aisle that adamantly opposes minimum wage hikes is also the side that howls about family planning being a sin.

No they don't. There are very few forms of birth control universally disliked or deemed sinful.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Mr Khan said:
Nymeria said:
I fully sympathize with people working and struggling to me ends meet. The one question I have is when they say they have a child or even multiple children in their 20s. I am closing in on 30 and am in a position where having a child would be manageable financially. Thus far have elected not as want to as want to be in a position can provide for a child. 10 years ago would have been a disaster for me and any professional aspirations I had. Even 5 years ago would have been a major challenge. Is it cold to say most people should put off having kids until they get into their 30s?

It's tricky because the side of the aisle that adamantly opposes minimum wage hikes is also the side that howls about family planning being a sin.

No they don't. There are very few forms of birth control universally disliked or deemed sinful.

So who's pushing for Abstinence-only sex education, then? The chastity fairies?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Let them have their $15/hr. You know what's gonna happen? People in currently higher paying jobs will, then, demand raises. You don't go to technical school, get a bachelor's, have years of experience, etc. to only get paid a few dollars more an hour than (not saying these are the only people with these jobs, but the credentials to get it are at this level) a 16 year old who takes your money at the register.

If the demand isn't met, people will leave their jobs and flood the food/service industry, leaving the higher skilled jobs open. Then those employers will incentivize people to come back by increasing the wage....because they need workers in order to operate. $15/hr will be the new $7.50/hr, one way or another

At the end of the day, the low skilled, minimum wage workers will still be at the bottom of the rung and their purchasing power will be the same as what it is now, because when they make $15/hr, somebody already making $15/hr will get $30/hr when everything is adjusted. Prices will go up in the wake of all this new spending, as suppliers are going to want to maximize profits. Once the market corrects itself to the new standard, the "$15/hr or we're walking out" people are gonna be in the same situation they're in now.

Higher wages should not be a reward remedial work. Higher wages should a reward for bettering yourself, developing skills, and becoming attractive to employers of tougher jobs than not everyone and their mother can do. There's a reason doctors get paid 100K+, engineers get paid 80K+, etc. It's because not everybody can walk in the door and do heart surgery or diagnose medical problems. Anybody can say "would you like fries with that?"

outlawauron said:
Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:

Which is why minimum wage isn't the same in every state! Minimum wage in California is $9/hour and is going up to $10/hour in 2016.

I do agree that the national number needs to go up for a more universal wage increase, but $15/hour is completely absurd to me.

I do not have much of an argument there, I personally don't see that $15 is honestly that bad of a thing either.

for 10 Dollars full time you should get about 800 for every 2 weeks

for 15 dollars you should get about 1200 for every 2 weeks

I'll just say this, I think family buisnesses should get a certain exception or Tax Break. When Companies hire people they only enough people for the Job. I doubt let's say Walmart the number one Chain in department stores will hurt. Let's just say the Ceo Earns a profit of 10 million anually will it honestly be that bad for them to earn 7-8 million for a Higher Minimum and a Happier Staff?

Anyways Walmarts CEO earns about 35 million anually. I doubt that Minimum Wage will hurt his Paycheck that badly if he decided to pay them more.

If 15 dollar seems like it's too much then maybe I'll agree, but Honestly I don't think we will ever get the Honest truth about what the CEO's income will turn out to be if the Minimum at Walmart was raised to 15.

This mindset is just so flawed. They're not going to make less money. If there's a change that's going to hurt their bottomline, CEO is going to cut costs or raise prices to make up for it. To think that people are just going to be ok with making less money because they already have enough is just naive.

No one is even discussing how it'll effect other industries. All the current jobs that pay $13-20/hour are also going to have to increase the wages of their employees, because why would a trained and educated person make the same as the dropout making french fries?

Actually than let it be, Everybody in the U.S. deserves a raise. Again the richest of the rich have trillions of dollars stored, there's more than enough money to go around in the U.S.
Standards in  America need to start getting better.

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BMaker11 said:

Let them have their $15/hr. You know what's gonna happen? People in currently higher paying jobs will, then, demand raises. You don't go to technical school, get a bachelor's, have years of experience, etc. to only get paid a few dollars more an hour than (not saying these are the only people with these jobs, but the credentials to get it are at this level) a 16 year old who takes your money at the register.

If the demand isn't met, people will leave their jobs and flood the food/service industry, leaving the higher skilled jobs open. Then those employers will incentivize people to come back by increasing the wage....because they need workers in order to operate. $15/hr will be the new $7.50/hr, one way or another

At the end of the day, the low skilled, minimum wage workers will still be at the bottom of the rung and their purchasing power will be the same as what it is now, because when they make $15/hr, somebody already making $15/hr will get $30/hr when everything is adjusted. Prices will go up in the wake of all this new spending, as suppliers are going to want to maximize profits. Once the market corrects itself to the new standard, the "$15/hr or we're walking out" people are gonna be in the same situation they're in now.

Higher wages should not be a reward remedial work. Higher wages should a reward for bettering yourself, developing skills, and becoming attractive to employers of tougher jobs than not everyone and their mother can do. There's a reason doctors get paid 100K+, engineers get paid 80K+, etc. It's because not everybody can walk in the door and do heart surgery or diagnose medical problems. Anybody can say "would you like fries with that?"

You are quite wrong, in 1950's the MINIMUM wage was able to provide for a FAMILY. Minimum Wage was enough to be independent. The MINIMUM wage in 1968 is about 11 dollars in Today's money.

The Minimum Wage has more positives than negatives when done correctly.

Doctors also get paid 100k because their education is too expensive.

outlawauron said:
Mr Khan said:
Nymeria said:
I fully sympathize with people working and struggling to me ends meet. The one question I have is when they say they have a child or even multiple children in their 20s. I am closing in on 30 and am in a position where having a child would be manageable financially. Thus far have elected not as want to as want to be in a position can provide for a child. 10 years ago would have been a disaster for me and any professional aspirations I had. Even 5 years ago would have been a major challenge. Is it cold to say most people should put off having kids until they get into their 30s?

It's tricky because the side of the aisle that adamantly opposes minimum wage hikes is also the side that howls about family planning being a sin.

No they don't. There are very few forms of birth control universally disliked or deemed sinful. abstinence-only? So instead of telling kids how their bodies work, you just tell them "don't do it". At least if they know what's going on, they can protect themselves. But to just say "sex is bad"...that's just gonna lead them to have sex since people want what they're not supposed to have. You know the South, where that form of sex ed is prevalent, has the highest rate of teen pregnancies, abortions, STDs, etc, right? Yea, correlation is not causation blah blah blah, but this isn't a "there's more murders in the summer. Ice cream sales increase in the summer. Ice cream sales cause murder". No, you'd have to be an idiot to not see the relation between telling kids not to have sex....then them turning around and having sex and getting pregnant.


If you weren't talking about abstinence only, then ignore my rant

prayformojo said:
spurgeonryan said:

Want something for nothing.

These people don't want something for nothing. They want something for being treated like absolute TRASH. Fast food work is the most disguting display of modern slavery in this country. My finace is about to graduate college, but she had to work her way through it by working fast food for years. She would come home, every night, beaten to the point where she couldn't even MOVE. She would get harrassed, talked down to and demeaned every single night. Her boss treated her with no respect and for all of that..after FOUR YEARS of hard work, she was making under $8.00 an hour. 

Are you KIDDING me? Wanting something for NOTHING? You've got it backwards. These people BLEED for these companies and get paid pennies on the dollar. Absolute GARBAGE 

They, as human beings, deserve better.

You're projecting your fiancee's issues with her boss and a side-job onto an entire industry. In other words, if she worked in a different community and for a better boss, that  job wouldn't have sucked so bad. Likewise, if she finds a job in her career that puts her under a horrible boss and in a place with bad customers, her job will still suck. I think you're failing to recognize what the problem was.

Hoodieninja said:
BMaker11 said:

You are quite wrong, in 1950's the MINIMUM wage was able to provide for a FAMILY. Minimum Wage was enough to be independent. The MINIMUM wage in 1968 is about 11 dollars in Today's money.

The Minimum Wage has more positives than negatives when done correctly.

Doctors also get paid 100k because their education is too expensive. Minimum wage was meant to prevent employers from exploiting their employees. Nothing to do with raising a family. Whatever inferred purpose that came after its inception was just a means of people wanting more money. Minimum wage is a wage for a person, not a family.

And doctors making so much is because of their education expenses? You sure that has nothing to do with it being one of the most difficult jobs, period? That it takes 10+ years of education + rotations, being an understudy, etc. to even be considered for working such a job? That has nothing to do with why doctors get paid so's only to pay for their education. Ok, keep telling yourself that.

I'm really sick of hearing this if flipping burgers gets you $15 an hour there will be less productivity. In China garbagemen and Factory workers literally have slave wages and they still work. Their stuck in a rut hoping their kids do better than they did.

Minimum Wage meant more back than, it didn't stop productivity. Having laws enacted where SLAVERY was abolished didn't stop productivity. Having laws enacted to stop companies from Abusing laborers didn't stop productivity. It's like people are defending the super rich when they have indeed taken over the white house, Constantly lobbying and bribing politicians. U.S. is turning more into an Oligarchy and people seem to be okay with that.