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outlawauron said:
Mr Khan said:
Nymeria said:
I fully sympathize with people working and struggling to me ends meet. The one question I have is when they say they have a child or even multiple children in their 20s. I am closing in on 30 and am in a position where having a child would be manageable financially. Thus far have elected not as want to as want to be in a position can provide for a child. 10 years ago would have been a disaster for me and any professional aspirations I had. Even 5 years ago would have been a major challenge. Is it cold to say most people should put off having kids until they get into their 30s?

It's tricky because the side of the aisle that adamantly opposes minimum wage hikes is also the side that howls about family planning being a sin.

No they don't. There are very few forms of birth control universally disliked or deemed sinful. abstinence-only? So instead of telling kids how their bodies work, you just tell them "don't do it". At least if they know what's going on, they can protect themselves. But to just say "sex is bad"...that's just gonna lead them to have sex since people want what they're not supposed to have. You know the South, where that form of sex ed is prevalent, has the highest rate of teen pregnancies, abortions, STDs, etc, right? Yea, correlation is not causation blah blah blah, but this isn't a "there's more murders in the summer. Ice cream sales increase in the summer. Ice cream sales cause murder". No, you'd have to be an idiot to not see the relation between telling kids not to have sex....then them turning around and having sex and getting pregnant.


If you weren't talking about abstinence only, then ignore my rant