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Hoodieninja said:
BMaker11 said:

You are quite wrong, in 1950's the MINIMUM wage was able to provide for a FAMILY. Minimum Wage was enough to be independent. The MINIMUM wage in 1968 is about 11 dollars in Today's money.

The Minimum Wage has more positives than negatives when done correctly.

Doctors also get paid 100k because their education is too expensive. Minimum wage was meant to prevent employers from exploiting their employees. Nothing to do with raising a family. Whatever inferred purpose that came after its inception was just a means of people wanting more money. Minimum wage is a wage for a person, not a family.

And doctors making so much is because of their education expenses? You sure that has nothing to do with it being one of the most difficult jobs, period? That it takes 10+ years of education + rotations, being an understudy, etc. to even be considered for working such a job? That has nothing to do with why doctors get paid so's only to pay for their education. Ok, keep telling yourself that.