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prayformojo said:
spurgeonryan said:

Want something for nothing.

These people don't want something for nothing. They want something for being treated like absolute TRASH. Fast food work is the most disguting display of modern slavery in this country. My finace is about to graduate college, but she had to work her way through it by working fast food for years. She would come home, every night, beaten to the point where she couldn't even MOVE. She would get harrassed, talked down to and demeaned every single night. Her boss treated her with no respect and for all of that..after FOUR YEARS of hard work, she was making under $8.00 an hour. 

Are you KIDDING me? Wanting something for NOTHING? You've got it backwards. These people BLEED for these companies and get paid pennies on the dollar. Absolute GARBAGE 

They, as human beings, deserve better.

You're projecting your fiancee's issues with her boss and a side-job onto an entire industry. In other words, if she worked in a different community and for a better boss, that  job wouldn't have sucked so bad. Likewise, if she finds a job in her career that puts her under a horrible boss and in a place with bad customers, her job will still suck. I think you're failing to recognize what the problem was.