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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA Access is a system seller.

Jazz2K said:
Xenostar said:
Jazz2K said:

Limited budget is the reason they went with EAA. Why would they stop buying games from that publisher exactly? The first months are when a game sells the most, after that nobody buys them (unless they're Mario games).

Because it started with just games behind the paywall, already theyve moved demos which were once free behind this paywall, probably only a matter of time before they put Multiplayer of new games behind this paywall. Its a fucking slippery slope where they try to add value not by actually adding new things, but taking away things that were once free for everyone. 

For along time live pretended it was adding value by putting things like Netflix behind its paywall, thankfully MS reversed that decision to try and remain competitive. But Ea are blazing a new trail of publisher subs, so expect heavy tons of shit to follow. 

Hopefully thats just being pesimistic, but this is EA here and and if other publishers follow it will be very crap indeed. 

How is this "games behind a paywall" exactly? It's not like you can't buy these games otherwise now. And you guys like to be pessimistic about anything.  Some people see value behind this service and they don't constantly spell doom and gloom.

Fixed that for you. What you don't seem to understand, and fail to learn from recent history of DLC increase its that this practice WILL lead to all games from that publisher being behind that paywall. Sure they will give you a 10% discount but good luck playing the game/multiplayer/dlc without owning the subscription.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

Limited budget is the reason they went with EAA. Why would they stop buying games from that publisher exactly? The first months are when a game sells the most, after that nobody buys them (unless they're Mario games).

I don't believe that for a second. $100 a year (XBL+EAA) is not exactly affordable if you truly have a limited budget. Much better and cheaper to get games from gamefly or buy them used for a few bucks. Granted $30 a year is not a lot of money but it is if you have a limited budget. Every dollar counts and I have a hard time seeing someone that does, that's not just a kid with an allowance taking that kind of gamble and investing in a very expensive console just for that service that given EA's history and earned title of worst company in the gaming industry seems like a dangerous gamble. Especially when there are better and cheaper ways to get games that arn't restricted to a single publisher and require the purchase of an entirly new console that has weaker hardware and much less game support.

I mean limited budget for a new console. If you have a limited budget overall then how can you buy a 400$ console ehh. If you have 500$ for the console that roughly gives you the console with one game when you add taxes. With EAA that gives you 5 games on top of the games XBLG gives you. It also gives you 10% discount on new games on top of the discounts XBLG gives you.

Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

How is this "games behind a paywall" exactly? It's not like you can't buy these games otherwise now. And you guys like to be pessimistic about anything.  Some people see value behind this service and they don't constantly spell doom and gloom.

Fixed that for you. What you don't seem to understand, and fail to learn from recent history of DLC increase its that this practice WILL lead to all games from that publisher being behind that paywall. Sure they will give you a 10% discount but good luck playing the game/multiplayer/dlc without owning the subscription.

You mean that unless you subs to EAA you will not be able to buy any of their games? When we'll get there we'll talk. Until then don't act like it's fact.

Frank_kc said:

Let me explain this to you. Who will wont to play Fifa 14 when Fifa 15 will be released in a few week (Sept 18th). Who wants to play Madden 25 when madden 15 was just released couple of weeks ago? It is a demo since you are getting access to the game for a limited time (6 hours), then you need pay the full price to get the full game. What will six hours do for you when you play upcoming BF game online where i can use the 6 hours in 1-2 day!!!!


It is not a system  seller and i am betting that it will fail.


On a second note, maybe such a service would push Sony to provide better games for PS+.

What is a demo to a potential buyer? It's only the best way for him/her to personally decide whether to get the game or not.

I won't get Fifa 15 at launch and I know a lot of people will hold out so we can purchase other games first. Meanwhile, we can still play Fifa 14 while we wait.

It ain't hard to understand if you want to.

Frank_kc said:
NobleTeam360 said:

I'm pretty sure there paying for the games in the Vault (hence why he said they were taking the plunge with the addition of NFS Rivals in the Vault) -______-

Let me explain this to you. Who will wont to play Fifa 14 when Fifa 15 will be released in a few week (Sept 18th). Who wants to play Madden 25 when madden 15 was just released couple of weeks ago? It is a demo since you are getting access to the game for a limited time (6 hours), then you need pay the full price to get the full game. What will six hours do for you when you play upcoming BF game online where i can use the 6 hours in 1-2 day!!!!


It is not a system  seller and i am betting that it will fail.


On a second note, maybe such a service would push Sony to provide better games for PS+.

Yeah because everyone just stops playing the previous version just because the new game comes out You also didn't mention Peggle 2 or Battlefield 4, we can add in NFS Rivals soon. Also the 6 hours is for you to try out the game, EA would be stupid to offer more (would eliminate the whole point of people buying the game). 

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NobleTeam360 said:
Frank_kc said:
NobleTeam360 said:

I'm pretty sure there paying for the games in the Vault (hence why he said they were taking the plunge with the addition of NFS Rivals in the Vault) -______-

Let me explain this to you. Who will wont to play Fifa 14 when Fifa 15 will be released in a few week (Sept 18th). Who wants to play Madden 25 when madden 15 was just released couple of weeks ago? It is a demo since you are getting access to the game for a limited time (6 hours), then you need pay the full price to get the full game. What will six hours do for you when you play upcoming BF game online where i can use the 6 hours in 1-2 day!!!!


It is not a system  seller and i am betting that it will fail.


On a second note, maybe such a service would push Sony to provide better games for PS+.

Yeah because everyone just stops playing the previous version just because the new game comes out You also didn't mention Peggle 2 or Battlefield 4, we can add in NFS Rivals soon. Also the 6 hours is for you to try out the game, EA would be stupid to offer more (would eliminate the whole point of people buying the game). 

Got to find a way to keep the negativity flowing. A ton of ppl carry their franchises for awhile. Or MyPlayer in Nba on the previous version. Then like you said he conveniently left off the games you mentioned lol. These guys are reaching like Stretch Armstrong. Disgusting

Jazz2K said:
Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

How is this "games behind a paywall" exactly? It's not like you can't buy these games otherwise now. And you guys like to be pessimistic about anything.  Some people see value behind this service and they don't constantly spell doom and gloom.

Fixed that for you. What you don't seem to understand, and fail to learn from recent history of DLC increase its that this practice WILL lead to all games from that publisher being behind that paywall. Sure they will give you a 10% discount but good luck playing the game/multiplayer/dlc without owning the subscription.

You mean that unless you subs to EAA you will not be able to buy any of their games? When we'll get there we'll talk. Until then don't act like it's fact.

That's exactly where they are headed. It's the ultimate form of DRM. What better way to make sure people purchase the games they play then by keeping access to those purchased games behind a subscription? Remember EA's huge on trying to push DRM on people, and this is just their first step to doing it on consoles. After all piracy is huge on consoles. All they are doing is taking what MS did with XBL and what Sony did with Ps+ and combining it and instead of using it on some aspects of consoles they will be doing it with their games. Which is very dangerous. Don't act like it's not going to happen. it is a fact that it will happen so long as people sit back and let it happen. Open your eyes and look around, look at history. EAA, Uplay, Windows Live, it just a matter of time and we are at the doorstep so why should we wait until we get there? By then it will be too late. Instead we should be talking now, we should see the danger signs, and we should understand how much of a slippery slope this is and where it is obviously heading. If we speak up now, if we tell them now we won't stand for the future they want then we can stop it from getting worse.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

You mean that unless you subs to EAA you will not be able to buy any of their games? When we'll get there we'll talk. Until then don't act like it's fact.

That's exactly where they are headed. It's the ultimate form of DRM. What better way to make sure people purchase the games they play then by keeping access to those purchased games behind a subscription? Remember EA's huge on trying to push DRM on people, and this is just their first step to doing it on consoles. After all piracy is huge on consoles. All they are doing is taking what MS did with XBL and what Sony did with Ps+ and combining it and instead of using it on some aspects of consoles they will be doing it with their games. Which is very dangerous. Don't act like it's not going to happen. it is a fact that it will happen so long as people sit back and let it happen. Open your eyes and look around, look at history. EAA, Uplay, Windows Live, it just a matter of time and we are at the doorstep so why should we wait until we get there? By then it will be too late. Instead we should be talking now, we should see the danger signs, and we should understand how much of a slippery slope this is and where it is obviously heading. If we speak up now, if we tell them now we won't stand for the future they want then we can stop it from getting worse.

So according to you any kind of subs is bad and will lead to "kill" the industry? You know that PS+ and XBLG offer you random games for one month while EAA you get access to games in the vault. I'd rather know what I'm getting than not.

I will act like it's not happening right now. I'm not attached to consoles as much as some of you are. I want to play games that's all and if a service allows me to play games at a decent price then why not? If I don't see value in a service I don't subscribe that's all. No need to speculate about how bad it could become. I could instead speculate how good it is right now.

Jazz2K said:
Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

You mean that unless you subs to EAA you will not be able to buy any of their games? When we'll get there we'll talk. Until then don't act like it's fact.

That's exactly where they are headed. It's the ultimate form of DRM. What better way to make sure people purchase the games they play then by keeping access to those purchased games behind a subscription? Remember EA's huge on trying to push DRM on people, and this is just their first step to doing it on consoles. After all piracy is huge on consoles. All they are doing is taking what MS did with XBL and what Sony did with Ps+ and combining it and instead of using it on some aspects of consoles they will be doing it with their games. Which is very dangerous. Don't act like it's not going to happen. it is a fact that it will happen so long as people sit back and let it happen. Open your eyes and look around, look at history. EAA, Uplay, Windows Live, it just a matter of time and we are at the doorstep so why should we wait until we get there? By then it will be too late. Instead we should be talking now, we should see the danger signs, and we should understand how much of a slippery slope this is and where it is obviously heading. If we speak up now, if we tell them now we won't stand for the future they want then we can stop it from getting worse.

So according to you any kind of subs is bad and will lead to "kill" the industry? You know that PS+ and XBLG offer you random games for one month while EAA you get access to games in the vault. I'd rather know what I'm getting than not.

I will act like it's not happening right now. I'm not attached to consoles as much as some of you are. I want to play games that's all and if a service allows me to play games at a decent price then why not? If I don't see value in a service I don't subscribe that's all. No need to speculate about how bad it could become. I could instead speculate how good it is right now.

That's not what I'm saying at all, however your lack of understanding explains a lot. Read the TOS if you can't see that this is a push for new DRM that will put access to major portions all the games from that publisher behind a subscription wall like the two of the biggest console platforms have done with multiplayer, then you are likely blinded by bias.

"attached to consoles as much as some of you are" I own every console from last gen and this gen except for a ouya and a steam machine. I care about games before anything else and this will only hurt games. You are obviously overly attached to the XB1 because you are desperately trying to find a reason to support it and set it apart. Using anecdotal evidence from a negligibly small group of people in order to try and say that this sells consoles and will lead to Xb1's eventual success. Which at best is unsubstantiated.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

fireburn95 said:
Do the same ubisoft? Do you really want every major publisher to offer this deal?

I would say yes.  If the deal allowed me to pick the platform for the game then it would be better to go that route than wait until MS, Sony or Nintendo to strike a deal with a publish.  I would gladly pay 100 bucks in subs if it allowed me to play any game I want on any platform.  It would be much cheaper than paying per game.

Also this would be good because I still can op in or out at any time and I get to choose the publisher I want instead of hoping either XBL or PSN come out with the games I want.  For this type of flexibility it probably would cost more upfront but it would be much cheaper in the long run.