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Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

You mean that unless you subs to EAA you will not be able to buy any of their games? When we'll get there we'll talk. Until then don't act like it's fact.

That's exactly where they are headed. It's the ultimate form of DRM. What better way to make sure people purchase the games they play then by keeping access to those purchased games behind a subscription? Remember EA's huge on trying to push DRM on people, and this is just their first step to doing it on consoles. After all piracy is huge on consoles. All they are doing is taking what MS did with XBL and what Sony did with Ps+ and combining it and instead of using it on some aspects of consoles they will be doing it with their games. Which is very dangerous. Don't act like it's not going to happen. it is a fact that it will happen so long as people sit back and let it happen. Open your eyes and look around, look at history. EAA, Uplay, Windows Live, it just a matter of time and we are at the doorstep so why should we wait until we get there? By then it will be too late. Instead we should be talking now, we should see the danger signs, and we should understand how much of a slippery slope this is and where it is obviously heading. If we speak up now, if we tell them now we won't stand for the future they want then we can stop it from getting worse.

So according to you any kind of subs is bad and will lead to "kill" the industry? You know that PS+ and XBLG offer you random games for one month while EAA you get access to games in the vault. I'd rather know what I'm getting than not.

I will act like it's not happening right now. I'm not attached to consoles as much as some of you are. I want to play games that's all and if a service allows me to play games at a decent price then why not? If I don't see value in a service I don't subscribe that's all. No need to speculate about how bad it could become. I could instead speculate how good it is right now.