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Nicklesbe said:
Jazz2K said:

Limited budget is the reason they went with EAA. Why would they stop buying games from that publisher exactly? The first months are when a game sells the most, after that nobody buys them (unless they're Mario games).

I don't believe that for a second. $100 a year (XBL+EAA) is not exactly affordable if you truly have a limited budget. Much better and cheaper to get games from gamefly or buy them used for a few bucks. Granted $30 a year is not a lot of money but it is if you have a limited budget. Every dollar counts and I have a hard time seeing someone that does, that's not just a kid with an allowance taking that kind of gamble and investing in a very expensive console just for that service that given EA's history and earned title of worst company in the gaming industry seems like a dangerous gamble. Especially when there are better and cheaper ways to get games that arn't restricted to a single publisher and require the purchase of an entirly new console that has weaker hardware and much less game support.

I mean limited budget for a new console. If you have a limited budget overall then how can you buy a 400$ console ehh. If you have 500$ for the console that roughly gives you the console with one game when you add taxes. With EAA that gives you 5 games on top of the games XBLG gives you. It also gives you 10% discount on new games on top of the discounts XBLG gives you.