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Forums - Sales Discussion - July 2014 NPD Thread! PS4: 187k, XBO: 131k, Wii U: 81k

Ka-pi96 said:
How did the PS4 sell over 10 million with Japan+US been like 4.5 million?

Because Europe is just that important

Yeah PS3 has sold a lot more in Europe aswell, so really no suprise there. Always found it strange that PS4 sold rhat much more in the U.S. on VGChartz, and Sony's announcement of 10M shows it was undertrackes big time in Europe.

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Guys, where is the number of 3DS? ._.

So, can we finally got new numbers for Europe (like +500/600K) and the rest for tiers 2 countries ?

It's not really good to let this ps4 number after a official annoncment.

1. PS4 - 187K

2. XB1 - 131K

3.3DS (probably)

4. Wii U - 80.5K

5. 360 - 53.9K

6. PS3 - 32.4K

7. PSV - 16K

Someone came up with this using the pie chart. 

PS4 a little over, meh looks like Europe + Rest of the world sales are even more under, what really annoys me is that I still don't know the one thing I wanted to know the most this month: TLOU sales.

drake_tolu said:
Guys, where is the number of 3DS? ._.

They are nowhere to be found yet!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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PS4 actually overtracked? Damn.

Overall VGC did pretty good and can be pleased with the sales. Hopefully people will stop complaining about the tracking and the PS4 being undertracked heavily, in America at least.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

CGI-Quality said:
Conegamer said:
PS4 actually overtracked? Damn.

Overall VGC did pretty good and can be pleased with the sales. Hopefully people will stop complaining about the tracking and the PS4 being undertracked heavily, in America at least.

Someone will always have something to say about it. One month of overtracking doesn't negate that it's undertracked much of the time. It's just how sales work. 

I don't personally gripe when it's over/under, the adjustments will be made when it's time. But one month of overtracking isn't going to just shut everyone up (and by so little - 18K is nothing).

Very true; well at least people can be happier for at least another month!

Makes me wonder how far off we must be in Rest of World though


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
wary-wallaroo said:
The numbers will come, I suggest you guys go sleep, it'll probably be a while. Too tired to keep waiting

What if you've only just woken up?

Them you go hunting trees.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Wii U won't magically sell 100k+ like that. I think these are quite good number. There's definitely momentum and a baseline increase. Smash should give the Wii U a decent holiday season. Hopefully 2m+ in the US by the end of the year, that's what I'm expecting.

Conegamer said:
CGI-Quality said:
Conegamer said:
PS4 actually overtracked? Damn.

Overall VGC did pretty good and can be pleased with the sales. Hopefully people will stop complaining about the tracking and the PS4 being undertracked heavily, in America at least.

Someone will always have something to say about it. One month of overtracking doesn't negate that it's undertracked much of the time. It's just how sales work. 

I don't personally gripe when it's over/under, the adjustments will be made when it's time. But one month of overtracking isn't going to just shut everyone up (and by so little - 18K is nothing).

Very true; well at least people can be happier for at least another month!

Makes me wonder how far off we must be in Rest of World though

Missing 700k in just 3 months from Rest of the World + EU according to Sony.